hc_andy replied to the topic Park trent properties group in the forum Help Needed! 16 years ago
Linar wrote:
Dparkes and CorianderWhy weren't your contracts subject to finance?KI hope this is a learning lesson for those new to property investing (myself included). Always make sure any finance contract is "subject to finance". You wouldn't believe how many disreputable real estate agents and sales rep will knowingly forget about this when…[Read more]
hc_andy replied to the topic Information on ParkTrent Properties in the forum Hi pvrpunnad,
When I first 16 years agoHi pvrpunnad,
When I first started looking at property investing we encountered Park Trent and went to one of their seminars. Everything seemed really great at their seminar and we booked a follow up session with one of their consultants for $100. The consultant came and took down our financial details and went off to find us a suitable…[Read more]
hc_andy replied to the topic Information on ParkTrent Properties in the forum Help Needed! 16 years ago
Hi pvrpunnad,When I first started looking at property investing we encountered Park Trent and went to one of their seminars. Everything seemed really great at their seminar and we booked a follow up session with one of their consultants for $100. The consultant came and took down our financial details and went off to find us a suitable property.…[Read more]
hc_andy replied to the topic FREE Residex Property Reports for VICTORIAN, TASMANIAN, and SOUTH AUSTRALIAN properties – Investment or Owner Occupied in the forum Value Adding 16 years ago
Hi Mike,Thanks for sending me the report. I found this post tonight and sent an email to Mike asking for a report on a recent property that we had made an offer for over the weekend. To my surprise, Mike sent me the report in like less than 30mins.Great work !!! Thanks a heap Mike.Cheers.Andy
hc_andy replied to the topic Park trent properties group in the forum Help Needed! 17 years ago
[Removed due to questionable content at the request of Park Trent Properties Group Pty Ltd]