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  • No im not Bernanke,  I don't know everything or Exactly what will happen and No I can't stop anything,  Im not the financial messiah either,  I don't see why you need to get so aggressive about it,  This is only a forum.  I just think that the majority of people are misdiagnosing the problem as something much less serious then there is with all…[Read more]

  • devo76 wrote:

    hbbehrendorff wrote:
    my god,  You actually think there will be a boom next year ?  Ill bet anyone a $1000 property will not increase next year.

    No not at all. Just showing i can throw in big numbers for dramatic effect too. Ready. 60% no wait 100%. Wow this is easy.

    Its all relative,  When property was increasing by 20%+ a ye…[Read more]

  • my god,  You actually think there will be a boom next year ?  Ill bet anyone a $1000 property will not increase next year.

  • -50%

  • hbbehrendorff replied to the topic The crash is beginning….. in the forum General Property 16 years, 1 month ago the start of the year they said they want a New World Order for "future security and environmental challenges" so basically they can put everyone in a death camp,  kill 80% of the word pop and keep the rest as slavesNow there excuse for a word dictator and world genocide is to "save the…[Read more]

  • hbbehrendorff replied to the topic Banks have forced me back to work in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 1 month ago

    You might just have to swallow your pride and get a job,  It would be better then loosing all your properties

  • hbbehrendorff replied to the topic The crash is beginning….. in the forum General Property 16 years, 1 month ago

    no no no,  Climate cooling is proof of climate change,  There is no seasons,  Thats just a conspiracy made up by Al qaeda,  I can't wait until C02 is taxed and we can purchase carbon credits of the world bank so we will all be safe !Maybe we can get a special deal from Lord Rothchild if we buy our Toilet Flush Credits at the same time we buy our…[Read more]

  • hbbehrendorff replied to the topic The crash is beginning….. in the forum General Property 16 years, 1 month ago

    I would not be surprised if the government brings in a law that makes denying climate change illegal and a Terrorist act,  Also it will be taught in schools that there is no 4 seasons anymore,  And anyone who claims there is 4 seasons is a conspiracy theorist h…[Read more]

  • hbbehrendorff replied to the topic interest rates in the forum Finance 16 years, 1 month ago

    lukentel wrote:
    inflation going up… any opinions on gold in line with that?

    Will be very surprised if gold does not double within a year,  Gold should be a few thousand dollars and ounce not 800 or whatever.I have read so much into this topic,  I think we will see gold 5000 before the next decade.hmm this is interesting:   htt…[Read more]

  • hbbehrendorff replied to the topic interest rates in the forum Finance 16 years, 1 month ago

    If you follow a cake recipe you usually end up getting a cakeWhat im worried about is the fact that we have been following a more hardcore recipe for the past few decades then the one we did before the great depressionI am absolutely convinced now that we will go through the D word.

  • hbbehrendorff replied to the topic interest rates in the forum Finance 16 years, 1 month ago

    Expect inflation to go through the roof 10%+History shows that artificial manipulation of interest rates in these kind of circumstances may slightly improve the symptoms but results in making the illness worse over the long term,  If anything,  Interest rates should be going up,  Sure it would make the market worse and prices would drop su…[Read more]

  • hbbehrendorff replied to the topic what’s a good business to buy? in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 1 month ago

    Pokie Machines !  The Perfect Business…

  • hbbehrendorff replied to the topic The crash is beginning….. in the forum General Property 16 years, 1 month ago

    get rich quick scheme for the scientific community ?  Are you serious ?  Is that as far as your mind will allow you to comprehend ?So the poor little owners of the central banks who control the vast majority of the worlds economy who are just humble enough to give there services so that us the tax payer can buy there carbon credits that they m…[Read more]

  • Lets just hope the Banker Elites don't make the government steal everyones gold like they did in the 20's in America to "save" the economy,  We couldn't allow the plebs to get there hands on real money now could we ?

  • See,  The bankers worst enemy is Gold,  Precious metals are a banks nemesis,  Its only WITHOUT Gold that the bank can continue to run there fiat paper money scam.  Banks do not want gold to increase in price and will do everything within there power to keep precious metals suppressed,  Because if they surge then people loose faith in the pape…[Read more]

  • hbbehrendorff replied to the topic The crash is beginning….. in the forum General Property 16 years, 1 month ago

    Jesus,  The whole solar system is hotter ! All the planets are hotter ! the sun is producing much more heat then it normally does !But the earth is going to enter another cool era with precipitation caused by all the heat.

  • hbbehrendorff replied to the topic A question for Steve McKnight – property boom coming? in the forum Opinionated! 16 years, 1 month ago

    alani wrote:

    hbbehrendorff wrote:
    What is with the idea that life is just one big never ending boom ?Wealth does not come from the ether you know.

    I have a question for you hbbe…,What did 1 dollar buy you 200 years ago, what does it buy today and what will it buy in 200 years time?hence property will start to boom, more money will be…[Read more]

  • hbbehrendorff replied to the topic Pay the deposit, take it back later! in the forum Finance 16 years, 1 month ago

    HiThis is an old fashioned strategy which many will mock as it does not fit the modern stereotype of what your "ment" to do1. Even though century's have passed since the Acquisition of your 2006 SS and you will be clearly made fun of because you didn't get a new loan you could'nt afford for the new model you decide to go ethiopian style and put it…[Read more]

  • hbbehrendorff replied to the topic THE GREAT PROPERTY CRASH in the forum In the US and A California 16 years, 1 month ago

    In the US and A California experienced the biggest boom out of all the states,  Consequently they have had the worst price crash with property selling for 50% less,  On the whole America has another year or two of falling property prices,  So you may very well see property selling for 40% of what its previous high was.In Australia we are facing al…[Read more]

  • hbbehrendorff replied to the topic A question for Steve McKnight – property boom coming? in the forum Opinionated! 16 years, 1 month ago

    What is with the idea that life is just one big never ending boom ?Wealth does not come from the ether you know.

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