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  • hbbehrendorff replied to the topic Property bust not here yet … worse to come in the forum Owning 1 home or Investment 15 years, 9 months ago

    Owning 1 home or Investment property will put you far ahead of the crowd

  • Hyperinflation is literally printing money out of existence until its value is literally nothing and people start using it for things like wallpaper and firewood, lolThere are dozens of examples of this here… nothing is sure yet if we will see Hyperinflation,  Its all up to the government and…[Read more]

  • hbbehrendorff replied to the topic Property bust not here yet … worse to come in the forum General Property 15 years, 9 months ago

    That's why I said silver first :)  Because while over the past 100 years Gold Reserves have increased,  Silver reserves have declined dramatically :DWhy ? Because silver is used in hundreds of industrial processes :)  Go find out what they are…  wait ill list a few :)In 1945 we had 10 billion ounces of silver available,  Today we have 1 billion ounces [Read more]

  • hbbehrendorff replied to the topic Property bust not here yet … worse to come in the forum devo76 wrote:hbbehrendorff 15 years, 9 months ago

    devo76 wrote:

    hbbehrendorff wrote:
    Standing on the top of mount Everest,  We fall to a cliff three meters down and everyone is proclaiming this is the bottom… ROFL Every bubble creates a similar shape coming down only mirror reversed,  Ive seen the charts ! lolNo recovery will come in 2009 or 2010 or 2011…  We have 15 years of bad times ah…[Read more]

  • hbbehrendorff replied to the topic Property bust not here yet … worse to come in the forum Standing on the top of mount 15 years, 9 months ago

    Standing on the top of mount Everest,  We fall to a cliff three meters down and everyone is proclaiming this is the bottom… ROFL Every bubble creates a similar shape coming down only mirror reversed,  Ive seen the charts ! lolNo recovery will come in 2009 or 2010 or 2011…  We have 15 years of bad times ahead of us… But lets just wait and se…[Read more]

  • hbbehrendorff replied to the topic How to become rich immediately ! in the forum Opinionated! 15 years, 9 months ago

    1Winner wrote:
    Thank you, too true!The human being is a creative creature. If you muzzle your creativity via some stupid idea that it is "wrong" because some half witted teacher working part time on 30k a year salary wants you to believe he has the answers to your problems, you have something else coming!Creating is as necessary as eating and…[Read more]

  • hbbehrendorff replied to the topic How to become rich immediately ! in the forum Opinionated! 15 years, 9 months ago

    1Winner wrote:
    So what if we are "incredibly wealthy" compared to Timbukto or 100 years ago? This is the old tran-tran pedalled by all religions known. Rich is evil and poor is virtuous. Modern version is rich is spoling the planet, etc. sick of it. If anyone thinks that wealth can be achieved whilst feeling guilty about it he is deluded. And…[Read more]

  • Also in the future the internal linings in the ceiling will be prone to cracking because it appears they do not use battens and fix directly to the truss, 50mm cornice looks yukky too, lolSee, Its all these little obscured short cuts that the average person does not know about that makes a builder rough….They look at two similar houses and see a…[Read more]

  • Ohh, Thats just blue board fiber cement sheeting,  See where all the joins are in the sheets ?  That is why in years to come it will be prone to cracking in those joins… Get a hammer and see how hard it is to put a coin sized hole in one of those sheets,  Its not really that hard,  That's why I prefer brick houses,  You will find that the more…[Read more]

  • Well I'm not a builder,  But am a Plasterer,  I actually have never seen this before,  I have though seen timber frame houses sheeted with styrofoam on the exterior and rendered over top of that… Also there are the blue board houses which I don't think are much better…Obviously you get what you pay for,  Personally I would not build a hou…[Read more]

  • hbbehrendorff replied to the topic ASX closes at new five-year low in the forum I recommend you watch this 15 years, 9 months ago

    I recommend you watch this course in economics,  I have been studying economics for many years now and even I where unfamiliar with some of his material… I have yet to come across a better collection of information…

  • hbbehrendorff replied to the topic ASX closes at new five-year low in the forum Opinionated! 15 years, 10 months ago

    doubledown trent wrote:
    I just can't see hyper inflation happening in Australia. Of course, that must mean I'm an idiot. I couldn't possibly have a different opinion than you and be a sane rational human being.  By the definition you linked to, hyperinflation is a "cumulative inflation rate over 3 years of 100%". The current inflation rate is…[Read more]

  • hbbehrendorff replied to the topic ASX closes at new five-year low in the forum The stock market is just a 15 years, 10 months ago

    The stock market is just a Casino,  Nothing more,  the mainstream media along with the so called "Experts" have taught us over generations that the way to make money is to buy and hold… Nothing could be further from the truth…Pressing the buy button is only half the game,  You should be pressing the sell button just as often as the buy bu…[Read more]

  • hbbehrendorff replied to the topic ASX closes at new five-year low in the forum Opinionated! 15 years, 10 months ago

    Retrospective,  Your exactly right !  So in my opinion its pretty simple,  Stay away from the stocks until there losses become retrospective ! its as simple as that reallyYou where right to liquidate but at the same time I think people should be very cautious of the losses concerning there paper money through the coming inflation,  Its just his…[Read more]

  • hbbehrendorff replied to the topic Is Rudd doing the right thing? in the forum Opinionated! 15 years, 10 months ago

    doubledown trent wrote:
    I don't want to be the grammar police here, but….If you don't know the difference between LOOSE and LOSE,If you don't know the difference between THEIR and THERE,and you don't know how to use an apostrophe correctly, why would we trust any of your ironclad predictions on the economy??

    I'm sorry that my quickly blotted…[Read more]

  • hbbehrendorff replied to the topic Is Rudd doing the right thing? in the forum Opinionated! 15 years, 10 months ago

    The economy will not recover or even begin to stabilize during rudd's term,  Nor the term of the next prime minister.I think everyone should watch this collection of Economic Video's  I challenge anyone to rebuttal his theory's

  • hbbehrendorff replied to the topic Welfare State… in the forum Opinionated! 15 years, 10 months ago

    Ive seen extremely good condition EB Fairmonts with only 200k on the clock sell for $200 ! Luxury cars !,  They look a million dollars and have power windows, keyless entry,  climate control !Cars in as good condition as this one know the exact story,  Because it was my ex GF,…[Read more]

  • hbbehrendorff replied to the topic How to become rich immediately ! in the forum Opinionated! 15 years, 10 months ago

    WJ Hooker wrote:
    hbbehrendorff                             Yes, this guy is correct, and as he says, we all are in this delusion of not being wealthy since we see it all around us. It only hits us when we go overseas and see how people that have missed out on the great wealth that we see the truth. I think how lucky I was to be born in Australia…[Read more]

  • hbbehrendorff replied to the topic How to become rich immediately ! in the forum Opinionated! 15 years, 10 months ago

    Look at your inbox Shales

  • hbbehrendorff replied to the topic How to become rich immediately ! in the forum Opinionated! 15 years, 10 months ago

    SHales wrote:
    This guy is a real expert – check out the list of his other videos.  Everything from Early Childhood, Diet, Health Care, Economics, even the TRUTH. He must be a real genius, huh?  Glad I never wasted any money on a how to get rich seminar – it's all there for free. 

    You have no Idea the quality of people and wealth of knowledge th…[Read more]

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