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  • wow , i'm gonna be richbut aren't things also go UP?using the same logicMy $50k salary today with be $2.62 million dollars a year in 2047A commodore will be worth $1.8millPetrol with be $72/litreand a loaf of bread $135something to look forward to heycheers…….with my bottle of red $20 today.,……$905 in 2047

  • hb replied to the topic Salary : House prices ratio in the forum There are also some CEOs 17 years, 4 months ago

    There are also some CEOs making millions of dollars a year just in bonuses,but the true figures of the average wages salary is available from the website and for june 2007 is $1091.20 GROSS

  • hb replied to the topic Salary : House prices ratio in the forum Opinionated! 17 years, 4 months ago

    Hi spudstayour post is a few months old, but probably still of interest."Does anyone know where to get proper statistics?"Try the site for salary statistic"Am i wrong?" NO"Have salaries increased along with property or has property had a large leap recently and salaries have not?"The second one, and not just "recently".Let me show youIn…[Read more]

  • hb replied to the topic Heavily negative geared! Should i sell??? in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 5 months ago

    wow heavily geared, the last thing you'd want happening is whats happening here…………… luck

  • hb replied to the topic What can happen in a slump LOTS OF QUESTIONS in the forum General Property 17 years, 6 months ago

    Well Duckster, thats partly trueBut i do take offence to your statement "I feel that Labor may have learned from the last recession …………………….."You obviously wheren't there for the Howard Recession of 1982Let me remind you with some extracts from my local paper June 1982 "by allowing the banks to lift morgage interest rates, it…[Read more]

  • hb replied to the topic house median prices? in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 1 month ago

  • hb replied to the topic Frankston anyone? in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 1 month ago

    Micheal……what did you just say…………..

    “parts of Frankston make good sense as investment areas and there are some good long term development opportunities there.

    We have bought 3 properties in Frankston for clients in December and have offers on 3 others out at present. Most of these have been bought by our clients with the medium to…[Read more]

  • hb replied to the topic St Clair Property and The Sydney Price Crash in the forum General Property 18 years, 6 months ago

    how right you are , mortgage hunter and depreciator…….

    “Media has so much influence on the markets that they should be more responsible”

    But isn’t the real issue people trying to use the media for their own means.
    as an example, i remember some spruiker called steve something, getting on Today Tonight saying that he could turn people into…[Read more]

  • hb replied to the topic accountant talking us out of trust in the forum Legal & Accounting 18 years, 9 months ago

    well finally i got a phone call from my local MP
    and not surprisingly, the reply was “You can do it…..but you WILL pay TAX on it”

    What sort of fools do people like Micheal Yardney ( and Dale Goss think we are???

    No Dale…going to the cinema with the family and claiming…[Read more]

  • hb replied to the topic Anyone doing renovation jobs in Melb ? in the forum Value Adding 18 years, 9 months ago

    Hi troynbec

    sorry taking so long to reply…..
    watching far to much TV

    how the renovating going????
    you know ..the BUY,RENO,SELL stuff…….
    made your first 1 mil yet????

    do you remember me mentioning ..the builder..the tax accountant…and the investor…doing their 1st B_R_S project…
    in brighton east….not a bad suburb.

    guess…[Read more]

  • hb replied to the topic Delurk and Introduction in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 9 months ago

    Unreal…..your going to complete your law degree this year at the age of 22….(a course that normal takes 6 years at uni)….you must be a boy genius.
    it surprises me that me that your on this forum looking for advice from a few dreamers and mortgage brokers.
    How about looking outside the square….
    Have you thought of starting your own Law pra…[Read more]

  • hb replied to the topic accountant talking us out of trust in the forum No Subject 18 years, 9 months ago

    Lisa.. i don’t know why you would think that Dale’s idea verge on tax avoidance…
    heres a extract from this book

    “The other way that trusts are used to reduce income tax is by paying expenses of the family before the net income is distributed.

    In this way, the trust pays for expenses of running your property business and claims them as a tax…[Read more]

  • hb replied to the topic Self funded superannuation and property in the forum Legal & Accounting 18 years, 9 months ago

    just to clarify retirement………………..
    when you retire FULL TIME…income earnings and withdrawals TAX FREE
    but if you decide to keep working after 60 and still access your super f(or extra money) than the earnings will be TAXed at 15%…
    withdrawal TAX FREE
    simple hey


  • hb replied to the topic How much tax to pay?? in the forum Legal & Accounting 18 years, 9 months ago

    you missed the point cata
    the question is “I was told by someone that there is way to set up a structure to never pay over 30%???
    Is this fact??

    and they where talking about “a hypothetical; lets say we earn $200K “
    TAX ISSUES is their main concern….
    Secondly introducing a statement as….
    “and what if you could keep your taxable income in an…[Read more]

  • hb replied to the topic How much tax to pay?? in the forum Legal & Accounting 18 years, 9 months ago

    Isn’t all this advice a bit old hat now.
    With the new tax rates coming into affect as of july 1st 2006, it makes trust and companies a bit parse
    Heres an extract from Kel Fitzalan…Deloitte Tax Service partner.
    ” With the new mariginal tax rates, individuals will be able to earn about $150,000 before the effective tax rate on their income…[Read more]

  • hb replied to the topic Self funded superannuation and property in the forum Legal & Accounting 18 years, 10 months ago

    Hi wagonmaster
    heres a extract taken from Babara Smiths piece “Budget Takes Away too”

    “Winners and losers
    The removal of the RBL means that people who are overfunded are the big winners……(may our politicians)
    but there are also losers, because the governement is giving with one hand and taking away with the other. It has failed to take into…[Read more]

  • hb replied to the topic Self funded superannuation and property in the forum No Subject 18 years, 10 months ago

    Sadly Wagonmaster, if you didn’t have the SMSF set up before 9 may (budget night) and the property in it….your history.
    Simply to stop the exploitation of this generous super system.

    If your over 50 and in the transition stage to retirement, you will be allow 150k a year for 3 years max. total 450k (this idea is under review)

    Under…[Read more]

  • hb replied to the topic Property Transaction Costs in the forum Opinionated! 18 years, 10 months ago

    Thanks simon
    Diversification is definitely the game
    Sadly, it’s taken me 30 years to work that out.
    I’ve only ever invested in property, within a SMSF.
    12 years ago having 300K to spend….
    An investment in a penthouse in Noosa sounded far more appealing than buying shares.
    From recession to boom times the investment definitely create a Capi…[Read more]

  • hb replied to the topic Property Transaction Costs in the forum Opinionated! 18 years, 10 months ago

    Well on my calculation wezwaz is closer to the mark…..
    if you bought a $400k property in victoria on 40k deposit,
    you would pay
    Stamp duty on transfer of land $19,660
    Stamp duty on mortgage: $1,404
    Registration of transfer of land: $1,074
    Registration of mortgage: $59
    Title search: $13
    Registration of mortgage: $59
    Loan application fee / package…[Read more]

  • hb replied to the topic Melbourne – Eastlink & its impact on IPs in the forum Help Needed! 19 years ago

    micheal …what is going on

    Frankston North is a pretty rough area and unlikley to change.
    I would not invest there, I think I could find better areas
    Its just not a great strategy for long term wealth

    in one post

    and then here
    Frankston will be the big winner…. We have bought 6 properties in Frankston just like this for clients in the last…[Read more]

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