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  • haz replied to the topic Writing is on the wall – Labour will win in the forum What!
    The worst result in 36
    17 years ago

    What!The worst result in 36 years!!!!!How can this be?I thought "Australian families have never been better off"?Howard/Costello asleep at the wheel?Even Stephen Koukoulas, Global Strategist at TD Securities in London, agrres……………."only an ostrich with its head in the sand would disagree that it was a "big mistake" to pump prime the…[Read more]

  • haz replied to the topic Writing is on the wall – Labour will win in the forum
    propertypower wrote:
    17 years, 1 month ago

    propertypower wrote:
    I agree guys. I am concerned about the future of our economy.

    And so you should be propertypowerBut why now………why not in 1995?1995…JOHN HOWARD (Leader of the Opposition) "Wasn't it in 1986 that the Prime Minister(Keating) said that if we had a worse current account deficit—we would be headed towards becoming a ba…[Read more]


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