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  • Hassassin replied to the topic building inspection in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago

    Hi mech81, definitely after. You can have a subject to 14 days building inspection satisfactory to the buyer.
    Otherwise you fork out to do the inspection and the vendor accepts an offer / contract from another person, that way you’ve done it for nothing! Good luck!

  • Hassassin replied to the topic Good tradies in the forum luke86 wrote:I have used 14 years ago

    luke86 wrote:
    I have used Deppro before, I am pretty sure they have offices in every major city. From memory their depreciation schedules cost about $500 to get done. Would like to hear if there are better organisations out there (esp. in Sydney).Cheers,Luke

    Hi Cattyby, I have used BMT Tax Depreciation Specialists who was recommended by my…[Read more]

  • Hassassin replied to the topic renting out my place in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago

    Wow, what an opportunity! Would definitely rent seeing as (correct me if i’m wrong) you won’t be paying rent at the place you’re house sitting, so definitely opportunity to earn some rental income there! From what i understand, income tax may be payable on the rental income earned, however any mortgage repayments may then be tax deductible,…[Read more]

  • Hassassin replied to the topic Luke Gilford??? in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago

    Hmm. Noticing a lot of personal toned and moderator edited posts here. And just realised the original post was almost a year old now! I agree with PositiveMindSet, and am also noticing that the “dump” posts are from people who contribute nothing else to the general population!
    Think4yourself99, I am a client, mind you a happy one too, and I want…[Read more]

  • Are you talking about call options on-selling to third party for a higher price than what you secured at?

    If so, yeah very good. I would say that it is very important to make sure you have the option agreement done up properly by a solicitor!

  • Hassassin replied to the topic Luke Gilford??? in the forum ALF1 wrote: All the same. 14 years ago

    ALF1 wrote:
    All the same. East coast wealth creation gurus who just want to flog you something and make some REAL EASY money from the novice's out there

    Mate i think that’s not altogether a fair comment to broadly generalise everyone as flogging stuff and making easy money. People either learn through making mistakes of their own which may be…[Read more]

  • Hassassin replied to the topic Treading carefully in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago

    Hi Charlie_B,
    So if not for tax deductibility reasons then perhaps consider getting PPOR now. Like what Qlds007 said, there are certainly strategies you can use to borrow up to value of what you are looking at. Another strategy i’ve used is a family guarantee (used as an “investor”). Say your parents or someone in your family has equity in their…[Read more]

  • Hassassin replied to the topic Unhelpful Real Estate agents in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago

    Hi Chris,
    Like Jamie M & PositiveMindSet, i agree that you ought to contact the seller directly. Do you know if the property is owner-occupied? If so you could simply knock on the door and ask. Or if it’s rented the tenants may be able to provide more information such as the property manager or maybe even the owners contacts as it may be privately…[Read more]

  • Hassassin replied to the topic Making a Start in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago

    Jamie M wrote:
    Have you had a depreciation schedule prepared? This will bolster your tax return and assist with paying down some of that “bad” debt. Also make sure the rent you’re currently receiving is in line with the current market.

    Nice one Jamie.

  • Hassassin replied to the topic Sell first home or hold… help please in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago

    Hold! Southbank is a very nice area. I had a place there too behind the melburnian and now regret selling it (even though i made good money on it!)

  • Hassassin replied to the topic Luke Gilford??? in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago

    jacaranda77 wrote:
    Hi Propman1. I absolutely agree with you. Not worth the money. Infact a complete waste of time if you ask me. I get more from Dymhpna's absolutely free 3 day seminar. I've never heard her knock anyone and have the need to be the tall poppy. I would definitely not recommend LG to anyone.

    Hi jacaranda77, i went to Dymphna’s…[Read more]

  • Hassassin replied to the topic Luke Gilford??? in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago

    Think4yourself99, i agree with you that it is a measly 5,500 dollars. What i have gotten for my 5,500 has been so much more. I actually got my value back on the weekend itself and have since gone on to replicate it over and over and over and using the education and support to invest in property in a completely different way than i had previously…[Read more]

  • Hassassin replied to the topic Treading carefully in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago

    Hi Charlie,
    I would also agree with Jamie and Angelsinsydney. You could then look at using FHOG too (if applicable to you) and achieve what you want now, rather than having to wait 10 years for a PPOR. Unless of course your accountant is suggesting you get an IP for tax deductibility reasons? I guess it all depends on your financial situation.…[Read more]

  • Hassassin replied to the topic One of the most amazing people I have ever met in the forum General Property 14 years ago

    Very nice! Sounds like a self-motivator who’s got drive and determination to succeed. I believe it is important to work with people who are like minded not just in ideas but also attitude. Good work.

  • Hassassin replied to the topic Luke Gilford??? in the forum Help Needed! 14 years ago

    Well said knowurstuff and positivemindset.
    I am actually a client of Luke Gilford as well as Gilford and Jones legal and have had nothing but exceptional experience with both the companies. Ruth did an amazing job for my legal work and the process was unlike any other experience I have had with lawyers in the past.
    I have bought and sold property…[Read more]
