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  • hareluya replied to the topic Aussie rob in the forum crashy wrote:funny how 2 15 years, 6 months ago

    crashy wrote:
    funny how 2 newbies with 3 & 7 posts are preaching how wonderful aussie rob is….please dont insult our intelligence!

    I suppose Pat Mesiti, Donald Trump, and Steve McKnight are also insulting your intelligence?

    And you with 761 posts should share the stage with Steve McKnight next time, so we can hear how great you are.

  • hareluya replied to the topic Aussie rob in the forum Help Needed! 15 years, 6 months ago

    What’s the matter with all those people with negative comments when they’ve not tried the system themselves?

    I thought many of you went to the Sydney conference and should by now have a different mindset than the average people?

    Perhaps I’m wrong?

    I have signed up to Aussie Rob and have been doing paper trading with vigorous reviews on my…[Read more]

  • hareluya replied to the topic Entity structure in the forum Legal & Accounting 16 years, 2 months ago

    magic32 wrote:
    So for the guarantor to have no assets in his own name would mean that he would need to show serviceability from employment income? What if the guarantor was a bit more wealthy and no longer had to work, and his income is from his shareholding in a business, and that would not be good for asset protection, what would be a good…[Read more]

  • hareluya replied to the topic MAC Users in the forum Site Problems / Feedback 16 years, 9 months ago

    MAC is great, but is any of the softwares available on this site able to run on MAC???By the way, I use a MAC myself!!! They're great!

  • hareluya replied to the topic Positive Gearing in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 9 months ago

    Didn't quite expect Steve to answer my question personally, I'm flattered!A question with respect to your answer Steve, turning $15k into $100k within two years, it's a brilliant idea, but I did not quite understand the term "quick-turn" deals…This is a great forum, I've read through a few threads, and found many useful hints and tips…[Read more]


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