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  • Profile photo of hansfordhansford
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 1

    Hi Belladonna

    My wife and I are up in Toowoomba and were dealing with the same issues as you … what to do with some funds that are really too small to invest in property but not doing really well sitting in the bank.

    What we’ve done is grab hold of a great options risk management program put together by Index Options in Melbourne. With it we’ve reduced the risk of trading options to below 5% while still making returns in excess of 40% per annum (when annualised) on an trading bank of only $10,000.

    Check it out for yourself at, and good luck.

    We’re now so confident that Prophet Pro can help us manage the risks associated with trading in the market that we’re taking over our super funds and manageing them ourselves. Naturally we’ll end up with a mix of both property and market investments, but we can make great returns right now with our limited funds, giving us the seed capital we’ll need for property investing quickly.

    Hope this helps …

    Garry Hansford

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