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  • haddo59 replied to the topic Landlord Insurance in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 8 months ago

    As L.A. Aussie said Landlord insurance is a must. You don't know if  a pipe is going to burst or the tennants damage the place because the RE agent isn't sitting in front of your place all day very day. I originally went with a broker my work used, but not being able to contact them when renewal time came around made me try Terri Scheer. TS pol…[Read more]

  • haddo59 replied to the topic Relocated houses & BASIX in the forum Value Adding 17 years, 9 months ago

    I suppose I should have mentioned that BASIX is the Building Sustainability Index used in NSW to ensure the property is environmentally friendly & dosen’t create excessive greenhouse gases by using less energy or use too many resources.


  • haddo59 replied to the topic cheap rent when renting from myself in the forum Legal & Accounting 18 years, 10 months ago

    Hi Giddo,

    I haven’t been in the commercial acctg world for a few years now & never been a public acct but your posting raises a few questions & hopefully I can give some useful suggestions. They’re only rough because I’m going from memory & haven’t looked up any references so don’t take them all as 100% gospel.

    You won’t get any CGT discount…[Read more]

  • haddo59 replied to the topic Who reckons they can solve this! in the forum No Subject 18 years, 11 months ago

    I’d like to think it’s a mathematical error because they’d have too much to lose by ripping you off for such a small but noticable amount. Ask them to provide details of their calcs to explain how they arrived at their result. Remember that barging in like a bull at a gate may make things difficult further down the track & a good working…[Read more]

  • haddo59 replied to the topic The steps to the dance in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 11 months ago

    Originally posted by widemouthfrog:
    Hi guys,

    I have done a lot of book reading over the last six months nad just stumbled on to Steve Mcknight and his two books in the last couple of weeks. In addition I have started to surround my self with people who are interested inproperty investmnet to try and educate myself.

    On flicking through these…[Read more]


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