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  • Gypsy_2 replied to the topic teachers salaries in the forum Opinionated! 20 years, 10 months ago

    Most teachers deserve every cent they earn, and probably need the extended holidays to retain their sanity.
    Imagine putting up with up to 40 kids in non airconditioned classrooms over the last few weeks (poor kids too).
    Whenever industrial action is raised, the government plays the emotional (suffering children) blackmail card.
    Couple this with…[Read more]

  • Gypsy_2 replied to the topic Keswick Island in the forum General Property 20 years, 11 months ago

    Did some investigating myself on this island, and while it seems very attractive as an alternative lifestyle investment there are some areas of concern.
    The Island has had a fairly chequered ownership history, and previous owners have struggled to get it where it is today – with a few roads, power and water supply (barged in) and communications.
    I…[Read more]


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