Andrew Vo‘s profile was updated 9 years ago
Andrew Vo replied to the topic Newby Questions (Sorry) in the forum Help Needed! 9 years ago
Hi Mitch,
1. When your starting out and researching, there is no need for an accountant or financial adviser. These will come along the way through networking.
2. As far as deposit goes, generally you should aim for a 10% deposit and also a little bit more for the funds to complete the purchase. This is where a lot of first time investor forget…[Read more]
Andrew Vo replied to the topic IP with a pool in the forum Help Needed! 9 years ago
Having a pool is a great feature but not all tenants look for it in a home.
So this may hurt your chances in finding the right tenants plus there are also the extra maintenance costs.
Also it will restrict you in the future if you decide to extend or construct a granny flat at the back.
AndrewAndrew Vo replied to the topic High Yield investment property in VIC under $320k ? in the forum Help Needed! 9 years ago
Its very interesting that your looking at two suburbs on either direction of Melbourne CBD.
Both areas are great and if you decide to go invest in both places then its a very good example of not putting all your eggs in one basket.
I think if you use both areas as a starting point and research suburb by suburb towards the CBD you will find some…[Read more]
Andrew Vo‘s profile was updated 9 years ago
Andrew Vo replied to the topic First Time Invester – Where to Invest? in the forum Help Needed! 9 years ago
Hi Nick, looks like your in a great position with your borrowing power. If your looking in Brisbane, you may be able to purchase 2 investment properties at 350k each.
This would be a great way to start your portfolio and you won’t be putting all your money on just one property.
Andrew Vo replied to the topic Poll: Which of the following would most benefit your wealth creation goals? in the forum Opinionated! 9 years ago
I think its a lack of knowledge. If you get the right information to run with then the decision to go forward is easier.
Andrew Vo changed their profile picture 9 years ago
Andrew Vo changed their profile picture 9 years ago
Andrew Vo‘s profile was updated 9 years ago
Andrew Vo became a registered member 9 years ago