Gutted replied to the topic Fortis Global Property Solutions – Property Management in Atlanta in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years ago
I will be doing the same – I have had no further correspondence from him but am not prepared to let him get away with this. As stated before, when I met him he was great and spoke fondly of his wife who is also in real estate and family – I wonder how proud they must be of him !!
GuttedGutted replied to the topic Fortis Global Property Solutions – Property Management in Atlanta in the forum Overseas Deals 12 years ago
I have had exactly the same problem as you. I went across to Atlanta initially and was wined and dined by him and I thought he was a very decent person. How wrong I was !! He now owes me four months worth of rental and I have luckily managed to change the property manager but I am not prepared to let him get away with it. Please let me know if…[Read more]