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  • gunner10 replied to the topic FHOG related buyer/seller in the forum No Subject 20 years ago

    So does it matter that I purchased the property from a relative – will the application still be accepted?

  • gunner10 replied to the topic FHOG related buyer/seller in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Can’t I just back date the application to Nov 2004 because that is when I moved in?

  • gunner10 replied to the topic Positive Cashflow Calculator in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago

    Nice work Jaffasoft. Can you please make just one small cosmetic change though – correct the spelling of morgage to mortgage. Also, within this forum, can somebody please explain the meaning of the line in step one “price range we can afford”. Sorry if this is a silly question.

  • gunner10 replied to the topic looking after the lawn? in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    I also get Jim’s mowing but I have got them coming every two weeks – probably a silly question because it depends on the grass growth but is this too often? It probably works better for me anyway because I am negative gearing.

  • gunner10 replied to the topic Need some advice in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    I have also asked this question on the forum on a couple of occasions. From the advice I was given and the research I have done myself, I will explain what I think using the following example. Let’s say my history is that I am single or in a relationship and neither myself or my partner has bought any property prior to july 2000. If I purchase…[Read more]

  • gunner10 replied to the topic Your Portfolio & Net Worth? in the forum No Subject 21 years ago

    1. $160K
    2. $137K
    3. One IP
    4. Be a keen observer and don’t rush in.
    5. One Month

  • gunner10 replied to the topic moving into an investment after first year in the forum No Subject 21 years ago

    On a closely related subject, what about the situation where you purchase an investment property and it then becomes your PPOR before the end of the first 12 months, is it possible to still be eligible for the FHOG?
