Thanks Jamie and Matt,Yes I attached a picture that I uploaded on imageshack:Standing from the front door there is a small area before the living room which has a red brick wall and an arch doorway into the dining area.I read that you can paint rooms:- In related colours, to lead the eye from one to another producing a harmonious effect.- Darker…[Read more]
Cheers Catalyst and Jamie,Currently with the commonwealth but wondering if you could show a valuer specific planned renovations ie kitchen/bathroom and get a value that the house would be worth when completed.Inspiring to hear you can do it all for $20K, see how I go in the next six months Cheers,Andrew
I do not have my electrical contractors licence (to do electrical work in domestic and sign it off), I am more involved in industrial electrical and instrumentation work but looking for experience in all housing areas. Happy to have a crack at anything so that one day I can have the knowledge and skills to add value to my future IP's.