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  • gtphysio replied to the topic Regional areas in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 11 months ago

    everyone <edited>s their pants the first time. The worst you can lose is 25% and often time corrects all errors. You could lose lots more on the sharemarket.
    Research, research is the go. Mining towns are viable provided that they don’t do the boom, bust cycle. Usually this is related to one type of ore produce only such as coal. Moranbah in…[Read more]

  • gtphysio replied to the topic Buying property unseen. in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 11 months ago

    to Seanj
    my wife and i live in Sydney. We have invested in nth west coast tassie. 1 of our 4 properties was sight unseen as the tennant made it very diff. to get in. We got a bit of a bargain 55k and the rent is 100 per week. That is the good stuff. The bldg report was 10 lines long covering nothing. The woodheater was stufed and a structural wall…[Read more]


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