grumblepie replied to the topic Another business query :( in the forum Help Needed! 10 years, 3 months ago
Hi Jamie. I work in a full time job and use that salary for living expenses and my property portfolio I started the business originally as a get a bit of extra money to pay down my loans it took off bigger than I expected. So would I be able to use both payg from my full time job And the business and the profit from the business to buy in the…[Read more]
grumblepie replied to the topic Another business query :( in the forum Help Needed! 10 years, 4 months ago
Finance shop: it would be under 80% lvr but by the time it came close to settlement probably sub75%
Corie: that was another option I had been considering Im having trouble finding a suitable Vf property what’s a good way of finding them?grumblepie started the topic Another business query :( in the forum Help Needed! 10 years, 4 months ago
Can anyone help me with a problem I have? I started a business 8months back I still work full time and work in the business on weekends and late at nights. At the moment I make about $450 profit a week with the business. I want to invest in property through the company as I have a deposit saved up but Ive been reading that it is impossible unless…[Read more]
grumblepie replied to the topic Buying land and putting a removable house on it in the forum Help Needed! 10 years, 10 months ago
Id imagine the electrical wiring and plumbing would be a major cost as well. Could be wrong but you'd have trouble financing it I'm sure.