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  • groages replied to the topic deppro in a trust in the forum Finance 17 years, 9 months ago


    Sorry for slow reply I was interstate trying to source an IP. No luck yet but I know I’m getting closer.
    Your last reply makes complete sense. I’d actually sorted it in my head from one of Elkas posts.
    For some crazy reason I was thinking of the depreciation as an expense ie. money I had to come up with. Of course this was stupid and may…[Read more]

  • groages replied to the topic deppro in a trust in the forum Finance 17 years, 9 months ago


    I’m not sure that I follow. I thought that depreciation was used to make a property as close to neutrally geared as possible.

    If a trust claims it as an expense then this is actually doing the opposite and you would be better off not claiming it at all.

    Is this what you are saying?

    I thought that the figures would look like

    Net return…[Read more]


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