gregss replied to the topic 11 SECOND RULE in the forum General Property 20 years ago
It is a guide.
It means you don’t have to run the numbers on lots of places. You can dismiss the unlikelys and then do a proper analysis of what’s left: expected rent, mortgage payments, management fees, repairs budget, insurance, rates etc. What you have left, if anything, tells you it is cashflow positive. How much you have left versus what…[Read more]
gregss replied to the topic Land Tax Error in the forum Heads Up! 20 years ago
Hi Philip,
I like that the data is saved in XML format. This makes it (theoretically) possible to use the data in just about any other program.
I was dissapointed to find the land tax formulas were not in a similar XML config file. If they had have been then I (and others in the know) could have kept them up to date. It would also be possible…[Read more]
gregss replied to the topic Book Launch… You’re invited! in the forum No Subject 20 years ago
There’s a little known town between Sydney and Melbourne, called Canberra. We don’t have big crowds but you’d be welcome to do a tour here too.
I’d be delighted to shake your hand and buy your new book. Loved the original one.
gregss replied to the topic One Horse Towns in the forum General Property 20 years ago
Thanks for the additional info.
Kay: I wasn’t worried about the 20,000 issue as I’m not looking at LMI. From the maths, if LMI gets you a higher LVR on a +ve property (and doesn’t cost too much) it would improve the CoCR but I’m sure you’re right on the risk side.
I have seen a 21,000 horse town getting CG this year – but mainly because of the…[Read more]
gregss replied to the topic One Horse Towns in the forum General Property 20 years ago
Thanks all.
I’m not too cluey on stables but I guess I could stick to 12 horses or more.
Thanks for the info on LMI. That explains it all nicely. The link worked okay for me.