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  • gregm replied to the topic South East Queensland – Coomera in the forum General Property 19 years, 7 months ago

    Hi again,

    Yes I can agree with sailesh. I am no preperty expert but I can say that there is a glut of new housing in this area.

    I am a computer tech that drives the entire Gold Coast, I have done this for years & I know areas & pockets of areas like the back of my hand.

    I know Coomera very well & the type of people that are living there.…[Read more]

  • gregm replied to the topic South East Queensland – Coomera in the forum No Subject 19 years, 8 months ago

    Hi, Coomera is a major growth area of the Gold Coast. It’s in the northern end of the coast and stands opposite dreamworld. I live 15 mins from there down near Nerang.

    The northern area of the Gold Coast is still going through major growth, in fact most of south east QLD is. I have heard figures of 1,500 people per week migrating up here from…[Read more]


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