gregjen replied to the topic Cleaning concrete in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
Probably necessary to define different approaches, physical and chemical.
First, high pressure rotary washers ( look a bit like a lawn mower with
water jets underneath), and there are copious amounts of wand type cleaners.They do a reasonable job, however one thing to remember is that they
can remove small layers of concrete if held too close.…[Read more]gregjen replied to the topic Help with QLD in the forum No Subject 20 years ago
Try the search facility (top left) while you are waiting for replies, as
this topic has been canvassed before.gregjen replied to the topic Copywrite on building plans in the forum Value Adding 20 years ago
Does the builder own the plan? If he owns the plans, who owns
the ideas or intellectual property? I wouldn’t know, however this
is one case where a modest amount of money spent on a solicitor
could save you a lot of grief (pref one spec in that area). You may
not be able to get those plans back but you may be able to simply
copy them ( just an eg.…[Read more]gregjen replied to the topic Unmotivated Partner in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
Just a tip, I know what a pain losing your work
can be, so: if you’re writing a sub/reply just pull
up a word doc. or alternative w/proc, type your
reply copy and paste it in the box, works like a
dream. That way you will have a copy and if it
all goes to hell on the net you just fire up copy
and paste. Interesting article guys! Good to…[Read more]gregjen replied to the topic Frustrated Broker… in the forum Finance 20 years ago
Obviously c/a programs aren’t your favs. Forget
them, I was simply using them as a vehicle. This
question could be broken down into two elements
selling cheaper money and selling Brokers.
I don’t think money stories are bad news and yet
they do sell well. If I know I can get a cheaper deal
through a trustworthy source that justifies the…[Read more]gregjen replied to the topic Frustrated Broker… in the forum No Subject 20 years ago
Yes, it is the mort/brkers job to hunt down the
best info on finance. However you have to ring him/her first with your request, here is the problem. Do newbies find it easy to trust an agent
to do a good job and do they trust their judgement on making the right decision with the info presented to them when their financial future is at…[Read more]gregjen replied to the topic Frustrated Broker… in the forum Finance 20 years ago
T.M.A – Some possible reasons (don’t shoot).
1. Thinking that staying with one inst. est a
usuable record.
2. I have pawed (poured) over loans until I was
exhausted trying to factor in fees ect.
3. Better the devil you thought you did than the
devil you don’t.
4. You all know that financial literacy is not a
keystone of our formal or…[Read more]gregjen replied to the topic Valuation 2 in the forum Finance 21 years ago
Thanks for the reply kay henry, do have good
relations with bank manager, he would verbally
quote valuation but would not forward a copy.
I am mainly interested in the $$$ val.. however
paying for part/service has never made me happy.Will pursue the avenues suggested!!!