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Greg F

  • Greg F replied to the topic Rents – Its Madness!! in the forum Opinionated! 18 years ago

    Hi Matthew

    I love your street savvy, Matt. My wife & I are developers with an extensive portfolio of our own rentals… we’re moving to Brisbane and have just rented a house which we were very tempted to buy, but looked at the opportunity cost of what we could do with the equity. Usually it’s a no brainer – rent for yourself and use your…[Read more]

  • Greg F replied to the topic I’ve been scammed!!!!!!!!! in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Originally posted by The Mortgage Adviser:No point issuing a warning if you do not name the party to look out for!!!

    G’day MA,

    Give Resi a break, okay? You wouldn’t get me naming these guys here without legal advice either.

    Resi, two points:
    ~ Congrats on the Fraud Squad
    ~ I’m a “bullet point” type of guy.
    I like things outlined in…[Read more]

  • Greg F replied to the topic I’ve been scammed!!!!!!!!! in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Originally posted by resiwealth:The company is a medical imaging company (body scanning and other stuff). Can i give more details on this site????

    Hi Resi

    How traumatic for you! What Mongrels!

    Were you the victim of a “Boiler Room” strategy, somehow combined with you ringing the advert in Financial Review?

    Did they make an…[Read more]

  • Greg F replied to the topic Mount Magnet in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Originally posted by easymoney:
    Hi people, Does anyone here own an IP in the mining town Mount Magnet…. I would also like to know an Internet site for the local council where I could get some facts from.

    Hi Easy

    Re the council quote, just do a google with keywords:
    “mount magnet” shire council

    You have 2 more key searches to do:
    1. Search…[Read more]

  • Greg F replied to the topic The benefits of property developing in the forum No Subject 20 years ago

    Originally posted by jkmt:
    …I guess I just want to say that education is neither good nor bad, it just ‘is’. What an individual does with it is up to them. Yes, some people will come away from Michael’s workshop and make their million from what was in it. Others won’t make a cent. That’s not about the quality of the education, that’s about the…[Read more]

  • Greg F replied to the topic mining towns in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Originally posted by nspeed:
    whats the verdict in investing in these towns? Certainly great rental yields but is it a bit risky given that the towns rely on one industry to support them? n speed

    Hi n speed

    Great to see you posting. My tip is to use the “Search” function (top LH corner of this page) and type in separate searches with keywords…[Read more]

  • Greg F replied to the topic $400k windfall, what would you do? in the forum Creative Investing 20 years ago

    Originally posted by petebell:P.S. car is a 1990 corolla, and is becoming a liability, dont need a ‘new’ car just a ‘newer’ method of a>b. most recent holiday was honeymoon, 7 years ago, HAPPY WIFE = HAPPY LIFE, must look after this aspect of life, still take the point that these are the things that investing provides, it is one thing to spend the…[Read more]

  • Greg F replied to the topic M on Mary in Brisbane in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Originally posted by surreyhughes19905:1 bedroom apartments are hard to sell (relatively) because they have a limited market. For this reason you get low capital growth.

    If you were to look me in the eye and ask “Surrey would you recommend buying this unit?” I would respond “No. I wouldn’t even have looked at it based on my criteria for an…[Read more]

  • Greg F replied to the topic JP Morgan says house prices to fall 10% in the forum General Property 20 years ago

    Originally posted by dmichie:
    Seriously dmichie, how many doom and gloom threads do you want to start?
    There are so many gloomy news stories ATM, I reckon I could post 2 or 3 a day [biggrin]

    Hi Folks

    Anyone want an antidope to fight doom ‘n gloom? It’s been 20 years or so since I first read the biography of the Cattle King:
    “Sidney Kidman – The…[Read more]

  • Greg F replied to the topic Why is everyone telling me ‘NO’? in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Originally posted by lea:

    Originally posted by The Mortgage Adviser:Okay – so I got online and altered my investment mortgages to interest only. I understand now what you mean about leaving the excess in the offset account. I can use it later. Good point. My original logic was, if I pay off some principal, then it increases my equity…[Read more]

  • Greg F replied to the topic good suburb bad suburb in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Hi Folks

    Re suburbs, I prefer Peter Spann’s more scientific approach than the more anecdotal stuff above (it’s fun, though).

    Try reading the chapter on Median Rent & Price statistics in Peter Spann’s “How to Build a $10 Million Property Portfolio in 10 Years”. He outlines his 5 year cyclical approach for deciding which specific suburbs to buy…[Read more]

  • Greg F replied to the topic CRIN’s Great Debate-Property is better than Shares in the forum Heads Up! 20 years ago

    Originally posted by Aceyducey:
    Hi all, CRIN’s next meeting is coming up at the Irish Club on Saturday 14 May. As a different approach to the panels we’ve run in the past, we’re holding a debate between two teams of investors to answer the question of which type of investment is best – shares or property. The debate will be followed by a Q&A…[Read more]

  • Greg F replied to the topic I want to quit my job…help ! in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Hi Damo

    Love your determination, and encourage you to keep thinking of Steve McKnight’s advice to “Take Massive Action Immediately”.

    HOWEVER, while doing this please reflect on the fact that Steve & Dave kept their jobs as accountants while they built up their “130 Houses in 3.5 years” property empire.

    I know many property multi- millionaires…[Read more]

  • Greg F replied to the topic Financial Independence/Achieve 5 yrs loan payout in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Originally posted by LKGK-88:Hi greg After listened to your advice I have print out every single article and have file in a special folder. Thanks for the website info.

    Hi Lily

    Glad you like the websites & articles. There’s a heck of a lot of reading in there, but it’s crucial you read a fair bit more before you put ink…[Read more]

  • Greg F replied to the topic Financial Independence/Achieve 5 yrs loan payout in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Hi LK

    In my experience, the “fear of debt” you say you suffer from is your biggest obstacle. When I was 27, I suffered from the same malaise. Now I know better.

    If you do not take immediate action to educate yourself to overcome it, I predict:
    1. You will keep buying IP’s till you reach your comfort level
    2. Over the next 30 years or so you…[Read more]

  • Greg F replied to the topic Indian Phone Calls: How do I Block them? in the forum No Subject 20 years ago

    Originally posted by LeighK:
    …and this week everyone reading this thread should post the following message to the Sunrise Team at 7. I just sent it through and if enough people do the same it will get some coverage.

    Go to
    and paste this message

    “Privacy Invasion is not only for celebrities.
    It is time…[Read more]

  • Greg F replied to the topic Got my Tassie land tax bill recently in the forum General Property 20 years ago

    Originally posted by depreciator:$33.30.Not looking forward to my NSW one.

    You guys are A REAL CRACK UP!! [biggrin][biggrin][biggrin]

    I’d be going WAHOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

  • Greg F replied to the topic Affordability of Property in the Future in the forum No Subject 20 years ago

    Originally posted by surreyhughes19905:
    I think look for a satelite community with good access to a city and buy big blocks there. Given 10 or so years those big blocks will be worth their surface area in gold.

    Hi Guys

    Steve Navra’s slant on the original question of “Property Affordability” is to keep ruthlessly applying this “Rental Reality”…[Read more]

  • Greg F replied to the topic HTW valuers latest report in the forum No Subject 20 years ago

    Originally posted by g7:
    Greg,The reason it wouldn’t be working is that you need adobe acrobat reader to view the *.pdf file.

    Hi G7

    I’ve got Adobe Acrobat Reader, I get pdf files all the time on this computer (I researched 3 large pdf files only last night), tried Michael’s link again just now and it still didn’t work!! What gives?

    Adobe…[Read more]

  • Greg F replied to the topic Indian Phone Calls: How do I Block them? in the forum No Subject 20 years ago

    Originally posted by stargazer:Guess what i hardly get any calls now apart from the occassional local charity which is ok.SG

    Hi Folks

    Just reporting that I haven’t had a SINGLE Direct marketing call since I put my name on the “Do Not Call” Register at site on 21st March 2005.

    As Stargazer says, I’m not counting calls from…[Read more]

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Greg F