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  • grant1197 replied to the topic Does this deal look like a good opportunity? in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago


    I have also been looking for cheap (<75K) +CF properties in regional WA. I found that there were better returns on slightly higher priced houses in the $80-100K range. Also the houses were generally brick and tile and had a longer life span in terms of income and capital gain.
    I have studied some 25 properties in the cheaper range and…[Read more]

  • grant1197 replied to the topic not sure in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago


    I am also new to this business. I am looking for small investments where I can use small deposits (<$10,000) per property. If I had $100K now, like youself I would still prefer to go for more of the smaller type. There may be better capital gains in the long run and they are smaller loans to habdle should one go empty for a few…[Read more]

  • grant1197 replied to the topic + CF in the forum No Subject 20 years ago

    Since I am only new at this game I am starting small. I looked for houses around $50-70K in regional areas that support mining industry workers. The properties are genrerally in high demand and rents are in the $150-180 p/week range. I have been looking for property that will meet my strick $2,000 pa cash flow on an interest only loan.…[Read more]

  • grant1197 replied to the topic + CF in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    I have just started looking for +CF properties last week. I read “$1M Property in One Year” and since then have found over a dozen properties which on first glance appear to be +CF.
    I am yet to detail the closing costs and rates but at this stage I can confidently say they are out there. My only concern is the ongoing maintenance costs for…[Read more]
