I don’t have a IP in mind yet but i want to send around $250k mark. And i don’t have any cash for deposit. Just the the $180k equity.
So do i “lum” the two loans together ($80 and $250k= $330k) Total income will be around $1680 a month, which would leave a me a short fall to pay (neg gear) which is fine.
Is that how the Bank and my accountant / tax man will see it.
People out there with two or more IP’s, how do u do it, all one loan?
I used to use CGU for my IP insurance but their prices kept going up and up and recently I rnag around for quotes and am now with AAMI. They also do Landlord’s insurance.
What sort of returns are you achieving?
What price point would you recommend entrying the the market down there?
And which town would you suggest? Closer to Melbourne the better? There is some sort of Uni down Gippsland way, maybe invest close to that?
Like you i am a newbie to this site. I have a IP and am looking for a 2nd with a positive view, like you.
I will be interested in the answers that you get. Unlike you, i don’t know Gippsland that well but i do know the larger towns. Just know i have been looking at rental returns in Warragul.