Goran1981 replied to the topic Park Trent Properties also trading as Cross Country Realty in the forum Heads Up! 12 years ago
Prices are inflated.
Builders poor quality.
very poor capital growth in the locations they sell.
they offer poor market research and pushy sales and marketing techniques.
bought a house and will not buy again.
investorGoran1981 replied to the topic Park trent properties group in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago
yeswe have been stung by Park Trent Properties (NSW) Cross Country Realty (VIC)will never deal with them againhappy to go to ACCC ot ACA if need be, since i do not have money for lawyers.
Goran1981 replied to the topic Park trent properties group in the forum Help Needed! 15 years ago
Hi,DO NOT BUY THRU PARK TRENT PROPERTIES !!!we have bought a house in melbourne in JUNE 2007 and were promised that it will be completed 6-8 months from the day of our signature. today it is OCT 2009 (28 months later) and the house is still not complete.THIS HAS COST US 10'S OF thousands of dollas in rental losses and interest repayments.they…[Read more]