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  • goodrum replied to the topic MOE, Victoria in the forum General Property 16 years, 3 months ago

    Ouyen, an hour from Mildura, was mainly an agricultural town, but then the mining became a feature for the town.. back to the Median Growth for last decade info, but I think it, (Ouyen) has shown 6.7% growth p/a. There has been investors buying a…[Read more]

  • goodrum replied to the topic MOE, Victoria in the forum General Property 16 years, 3 months ago

    Below is a link to Victorian Median House Prices, (courtesy of Heraldsun newspaper, via Victorian Valuer-General; 1997-2008): shows what the median house price was for most towns/cities/suburbs across Victoria, from 1997 to 2007. It also shows the Growth Per Annum,…[Read more]

  • goodrum replied to the topic Ouyen : A possible good future? in the forum General Property 16 years, 3 months ago

    …and as a point of trivia: The Great Australian Vanilla Slice Triumph5 September 2008

  • goodrum replied to the topic Property and how many in the forum Help Needed! 16 years, 4 months ago

    Six IP's and some land..controlling/managing over a million dollars worth of real estate. Buying as well as can be, a little add on value, (with some of them), spit and polish, refurbishments and rent them out. Also built a couple. It has been an incredible journey, far from over yet, and having heaps of fun and meeting great characters.All the…[Read more]

  •  I happen to have 1994 median house price for Sunshine: $84,500, also, the 2004: $240,000, so that is a change of  growth of  184%. It only has the "house" data, note that it doesn't have unit info..I got the 1994-2005 growth figures from a friend who had got them also from Heraldsun, basically a reporter just did a story and featured change in gr…[Read more]

  • Costa, this may be of interest.Was in the local Victorian newspaper and linked to this site; (courtesy Heraldsun): a breakdown of Victorian, metro and rural towns, suburbs and cities of changes in house prices the last decade.Also, if you would name the few places…[Read more]

  • Congratulations Melissa, I have read this months API…my thoughts are you are an inspirational young woman for all people! and especially other young females. I love the bit about taking things into your own hands in regards to placing the to rent ad. Made me smile.The delayed gratification on the travelling issue, is so true, when you decide to…[Read more]

  • goodrum replied to the topic What type of vehicle do you have ?? in the forum Opinionated! 16 years, 10 months ago

    2008 ! Time has flown. I still have the Pajero, reliable, relatively economical, (towing vehicle).Still under warranty, and  it is a nice handling, easy to drive 4wd.

  • goodrum replied to the topic VIC COUNTRY IP in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 10 months ago

    Regional cities have been good investing for us [exhappy]

    Are you following the Murray River Mollymonsta!? (check out business network)

    We also have built and bought in Bendigo, Horsham, would like to build or buy in Warrnambool, Ballarat, Shepparton, Wodonga…they all…[Read more]

  • goodrum replied to the topic Is hand on a must to property investment? in the forum General Property 17 years, 10 months ago

    It may not even have to be anything complicated either Francis..

    Meaning a paint job can work wonders, inside or exterior…maybe add an airconditioning system if you want to hold the property and rent it….tidy up the garden/yard…if it’s possible add a bedroom on, especially if it’s only a one or two bedroom place.

    So you can value add to…[Read more]

  • goodrum replied to the topic WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE BOOKS?? in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 10 months ago

    Perhaps not so experienced and definitely still learning[exhappy]


    “Rich Dad Poor Dad”…R. Kiyosaki
    it was like hello world! there is a different life out there apart from spending and woo hooing every red cent that came into my mitts….I took stock and worked on creating a different mindset. A generalised account on paper of how you…[Read more]

  • goodrum replied to the topic Would you use vinyl wrap doors in rentals? in the forum Value Adding 17 years, 11 months ago

    Hi Tizzy

    Re the vinyl wrap doors I will put up a link to some info that may help you in your decision…


  • goodrum replied to the topic I can’t find any investment properties!! in the forum Help Needed! 18 years, 11 months ago

    G’day Sweet and Samjames
    Horsham Victoria is still providing the odd good return..We have a couple [housing comm homes] ..
    1. Purchased $89990 renting @ $140
    2. Purch. $90000 rents for $145
    We are happy with them. Not all our properties are this type though, have others in other places, [newly constructed}, so we sort of spread things around a…[Read more]

  • goodrum replied to the topic Broken Hill Bargains. in the forum General Property 19 years, 1 month ago

    G’day Dematio
    How did you go with the storms? floods? or whatever nature’s fury hit there? [Broken Hill I mean..] Are your properties ok?


  • goodrum replied to the topic What type of vehicle do you have ?? in the forum Opinionated! 19 years, 1 month ago

    JTW did you know the word Pajero is apparently the Spanish slang for “wanker”… yep, we have a Wanker too [diesel]… to tow float, which it does superbly.
    When Mitsubishi went to release the Pajero in Europe a little bit of name changing occurred.
    Nonetheless we happily drive our horses around towed by a Wanker… I mean Pajero.


  • goodrum replied to the topic Just one tip… in the forum General Property 19 years, 4 months ago

    Jeez, us giving just one good tip…this could be dangerous.. Seriously, we got out of our “comfort zone”, the world doesn’t owe us anything, but we owe it to ourselves to get off our bums and have a go… We had a go in property because it for us, gives us maximum leverage on little contribution,… the bit of money we had went a long way to us…[Read more]

  • goodrum replied to the topic Recruitment Agencies – Very Disappointing in the forum Opinionated! 19 years, 7 months ago

    I was just having a saunter around the property sites, [in between writing assignments], found this thread… do you know what I reckon… head south a bit..”Harness Racing Victoria” A really progressive industry, fantastic people from all walks of life, [in my opinion you don’t necessarily need to have had a hand on a horse… there are…[Read more]

  • goodrum replied to the topic Country town need 90-95% finance in the forum Finance 19 years, 8 months ago

    12 months ago we were able to get an ANZ Money Saver Investment Loan..[was 6.47% then..], it was 97% LVR, I think the LMI was rolled into the loan [the Mortgage Brokers would know that for certain], and the loan was for $71, investment house. Birchip, Victoria. Population 1000 people, 1,000,000 rabbits.

  • goodrum replied to the topic Horse Agistment to pay for loan in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 9 months ago

    G’day JPD

    Lucerne, lucerne, lucerne…
    Dryland lucerne, or if you are on irrigation…. irrigation lucerne. We live in a great little dustbowl, just going through a ripping 8 year on/off drought, and the one thing that is still standing, keeping the sahara paddocks green and feed growing for our horses is lucerne. Seriously it has been great for…[Read more]

  • goodrum replied to the topic The Pub in the forum General Property 19 years, 10 months ago

    Welcome to the North Central Chefman, good for you, do you know that was my mother in law’s favorite pub…Mother’s Day luncheon roast with a live musician, [to listen to,…. not to eat as well,.. although I haven’t seen him in a while…].
    We are over north of Birchip, more Mallee country and a little dustier. Have you given any thought to farm…[Read more]


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