gold351 replied to the topic new world record in the forum Forum Frolic 19 years, 8 months ago
as if having a website makes something legitimate!!!!
due to it being a world record challenge there is obviously sensitive information which is based on a “for your eyes only” audience and they would have to sign an NDA and have their viability profile taken
I am currently talking with some Singaporean gentleman… like I say, I’m now taking it…[Read more]
gold351 replied to the topic new world record in the forum No Subject 19 years, 8 months ago
I would have thought you guys with some $$$$ to spend would be interested in setting a world record and receiving fame and fortune for your trouble!!!
I am off to the U.S. if no-one here in Australia steps up to the plate… it’s a shame that so much good technology and inspiration has to leave our shores to be funded overseas!!??!!
Having just…[Read more]
gold351 replied to the topic new world record in the forum Forum Frolic 19 years, 8 months ago
web page is coming soon… the property I was going to develop to fund this project is now up for sale as I recently got the go ahead on licensing certain technology on the WISE craft and there is intellectual property that needs to be protected.
property is listed on ebay; Item number: 5579417705 for anyone interested.
If you want more details…[Read more]