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  • gogo replied to the topic whats the star at the side of your name for in the forum No Subject 19 years ago


  • gogo replied to the topic I am selling all my properties in Brisbane in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    I totally agree with clones all this crap about buing for the right price then turning it into positive cash flow is all bull. Everything out there is over priced to start with I have been looking for 9 months even have agents looking for me .I reckon Steve is laughing all the way to the bank from the book sales and seminars. He even wants to…[Read more]

  • gogo replied to the topic Young Investors in the forum General Property 20 years ago

    Wow what a reply?? Must have hit a sore point LOL

    May I ask were you got all the money from to do all that plus invest in property at such a young age? Not all 20 year olds can buy a house most of them are flat out buying a car Maybe you know something we all dont? What i meant by live life is simply this. Do all you want to do travel, spew your…[Read more]

  • gogo replied to the topic Young Investors in the forum General Property 20 years ago

    38 years old just started investing now own 6 properties People say should have started in my twenties and i would be worth millions today I say live life first I travelled the world twice spent an absolute fortune I love every minute of it single no commitments come back with nothing to show for it but memories. All my friends and family said…[Read more]

  • gogo replied to the topic are you hesitating to buy property in Turkey? in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Hi grossrealisation,
    Would you purchase land from Nazis or even Hitler himself because that is life??? Turks to me are no different they just get a way with it as Hitler did not. If Turkey took over all your assets that would justify me purchasing your house off a Turk because that is life? Hello

  • gogo replied to the topic Which City/Suburb you live? in the forum Forum Frolic 20 years ago


  • gogo replied to the topic are you hesitating to buy property in Turkey? in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Turkey lol. They take over countries then sell real estate that does not belong to them. Great example North Cyprus Turkey is the only country that recognises North Cyprus yet they sell realestate Personally I would not give them the time of day yet hard earned cash

  • gogo replied to the topic RENOS FULL TIME in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Is your father a licenced builder? If so you could purchase a property then get more finance to renovate the place using your father as the builder with a fixed price contract. He could then employ you this way you have a cash flow to live on and an asset at the end.

  • gogo replied to the topic Devoloper wants my pad! in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Name your price Do you want to sell? How bad does the developer want it?

  • gogo replied to the topic BANK & COUNCIL PROBLEM in the forum No Subject 20 years ago

    Builder standard fixed price contract. Loan has been aproved subject to strata title proof Development application has been aproved by council.Council has strata title application will not aprove it until the duplex is built. Catch 22 can not get funds to build it without the starta title aproval.
    ANZ has letter from council stating councils position

  • gogo replied to the topic BANK & COUNCIL PROBLEM in the forum Value Adding 20 years ago

    I should have explained it better” The building is a 2 storey duplex with a common wall.ANZ will only lend 60% of contract price for a dual occupancy and up to 95% for if they are strata title. I can not afford the 60% lend hence my problem.

  • gogo replied to the topic HELP ON COMPANY, TRUST, INDIVIDUAL????????? in the forum Legal & Accounting 20 years ago

    Thanks for the reply I plan on holding and purchasing more.

  • gogo replied to the topic Does any one know?????? in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Can I ask how you found them and where they are??

  • gogo replied to the topic Does any one know?????? in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    Well if the majority of his properties are wrapped
    It would give an indication that Steve can not find +CF properties and that he simply buys them then wraps them so they do become +CF

  • gogo replied to the topic + CF in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    I have not read his latest book. The 0-130 book is informative The reason I ask is that in todays market I think that +CF properties do not exist I have been looking for 6 months can not find one. Looked in country towns etc Contacted buyer agents there fees are way to much with no gaurantees. The only way I can see to make money Steves way is to…[Read more]

  • gogo replied to the topic Can anyone recommened a Landlord Insurance Company in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago

    NRMA now offer landlord insurance they are very competetive
