Wooo.. as far as I know sydney property price has been stagnant for the last 7 years (i.e. since 2001)… if you taken inflation into consideration… it means BIG NEGATIVE growth… if you take into negative gearing BIG BIG LOSS…. Welll.. where are all the spruikers….????? used to be lots of spruikers in this forum… all gone… bankcrupt?? Not many advertised in the media regarding their seminars…. OR… discounted by almost 80% their seminar fee.
Most investors ~70% are at 30% tax bracket… .it can be painful to have negative gearing for years on deflating asset. So be careful…. I think most of the investor(s) who bought the property(s) in the peak market will have a long painful period till the next cycle of growth. It means that you are actually losing money every year and losing asset value. How long can you keep losing money….
Negative gearing ONLY works when property growth++.
blaze… you must be brain-washed by the property spruiker which claimed property will double it price every 7-10 years. I don't think it will be going up by 5-10% in the next few years.. in fact the opposite or stagnant.
In this current climate, people are looking for every single $ to save
You can always Not CC the properties even you borrow the money from the same bank if you structured it correctly.
You mentioned " 1 of your properties has dropped in value, and you want to sell the 2nd one = you cannot unless you pay down the loan on the remaining"
So.. the bank can even sell all your properties if you hold them on the same bank eventhough without CC?
Could you please let me know what is the different between getting the managed funds through Yourshare or through the 'broker'? and if you can get the rebate from your super funds… why not?
Advise for managed funds… well.. look at Storm financial services… 8% comision on top of rebates.. ripped off…
Please enlighten me… 4% upfront fee and 0.8% trailing commision on the managed funds…go into 'broker' pocket with providing minimal advice? you can get star ratings from independant advice
Has been dealing with YourShare for the last 2 years without any problems. Got rebate from managed funds/superannuations/insurance …. 50% of trailing commission.
How about if you repay your loan to $0.01in 2 years… No one will probably get the commision…
Thank for you input my dilema is if i m renting out my current PPOR, it will be taxed at the highest margin and I have fully paid my current PPOR. By diverting it to DFT, I am able to channel the rental income to my wife.. but the set back is the cost…. I m not sure which one has the best option in the long term….
With the downturn in property market, I think that it is good time to sell to DFT and generting less CGT??? Do I still have to pay CGT if I am selling it to DFT?