1.) can i ask why is a property lawyer always much preferred than a dodgy solicitor?
==> some of the solicitors are useless… they don't have experienced at all… been involved with one of them before… so becareful to choose the solicitor… preferably someone with property law experience. They can advise u better….though come with premium price
3.) Also, does the property lawyer throws in "building and pest inspection" package in his deal? and what does "plus/minus ACCREDITED valuer" means?
==> It is wise to engage the valuer if necessary… but an optional
This could be the second chapter of ASIC investigation after collapsing of Storm Financial Services. I would not securing against my PPOR if I want to buy an 'over-value' IP
I thought that you are one of the fans of "Premium Finance" Did they tell you using simple calculation to find out the positively geared properties? Why not you asked your so-called mentor
What I mean is… each inspection will cost about 400-500 dollars… I guess that if it is only one inspection.. then that is ok.. How about 3-4 inspections… in the regional city ( don't like to buy in small town).. it will cost a fortune.. plus time consuming as well.
I am too scared to buy unseen.. despite the figure/google earth/rpdata etc……
How do secure the regional property deal? I am talking about population more than 20,000.
Scott, You can always look at from the google earth and streetview. I am trying to secure a property in the regional city. I am not sure whether I should fly to see the property or not. It will cost me at least 400 dollars fly in/out. The rental return is about 10% which is okay and not far away from the base hospital
Richard should be able to help you. I don't think he charges any commission up front.
Solicitor… I always go to property lawyer… a bit expensive..200 dollars more than dodgy solicitor. I always asked for building and pest inspection… plus/minus ACCREDITED valuer