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  • gnelson replied to the topic Albury/Wodonga investors in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 8 months ago

    i lived there for  27 years, slow capital gain..reasonable rents. seems at a bit of a peak at present, i just consider it a slow area ,possibly not enough industry there to sustain any sort of rapid population growth , but the odd bargain is around especially just out of town areas with 5 acres or so.

  • gnelson replied to the topic Building Approvals @ 3.5 Yr Low… in the forum No Subject 18 years, 11 months ago

    Originally posted by obiwan:
    Derek, last time I looked newly completed/previously untenanted melbourne inner-city apartment market (CBD, Docklands, St Kilda Rd and Southbank) vacancy rate was 10%+. This has been fluctuating from 7-10%+ for the last 2 years.

    The proportion of investors is from memory over 40%. There is still a lot of supply due…[Read more]


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