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  • gmarksnowden replied to the topic US Foreclosure Market in the forum Hi Greg,
    Thanks for email,
    14 years, 2 months ago

    Hi Greg,Thanks for email, it sound like you have done your home work on USA and Mark Rolton , thank for the feed back.I will book in when I sell my big yacht, it`s takeing all my cash flow now , need to sell it .I will be going to USA well I do , will let you know when i do and may be we can talk some more.Mark

  • gmarksnowden replied to the topic US Foreclosure Market in the forum Overseas Deals 14 years, 2 months ago

    Hi Greg.I see you went to Mark Rolton , how  was it and is it still cost $5k or so to do the cours.I was looking at it and would like to know is it woth it.You did well making 1M, well done.When I sell my big yacht I an looking at doing options, is it head to do or a lot of work which I don`t mind doing any way.Mark

  • gmarksnowden replied to the topic Assets Protection or More Insurance in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 2 months ago

    Thanks Terryw, Will look into it more now.I see you are on the forums a lot and  l read a lot of your thing and you do give good iders .

  • gmarksnowden replied to the topic help with house and land package offer in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 2 months ago

    You said you have ask for a lower price befor so why not  ask know. What can they say ,if yes well you need to buy me a beer or if no well ask then why not or go for better deal.And buy the way they want your $$$$$$.

  • gmarksnowden replied to the topic Property Options and Stamp Duty in the forum Creative Investing 14 years, 3 months ago

    hi all, Can any one help me find a lawer to help me write up a leger doc to make a Property options.Thanks Mark


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