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  • Globetrotter replied to the topic Seeking Joint Venture partners in the forum No Subject 21 years, 2 months ago

    Hi Enuff.

    Good to hear that you are having some success in finfing such good deals.
    A question though. Why joint venture on a 83K property?

    If it is a good deal, I am sure you want it for yourself.
    If you are in such a tight position that you can’t even raise 83K for a +ve property, it sounds as if you might need to build up some savings/equity…[Read more]

  • Globetrotter replied to the topic Protection from Interest Rates and New Comer Intro in the forum Hotch Potch 21 years, 2 months ago

    How do you then handle interest rates if you have a 25-30 year wrap deal?

    i.e. if you buy a property and get 5 year fixed interest. You then vendor finance and your buyer wishes to have 25 year fixed.

    That puts me in a risk position.

    Haow do you mitigate that risk?

  • Globetrotter replied to the topic WHO HAS BEEN BUYING CAIRNS? in the forum The Treasure Chest 21 years, 2 months ago

    Isn’t this how herd mentality works.
    Prices are booming and everyone wants in.
    What about the fundamentals. What does Cairns have supporting the increasing prices?
    i.e. is tourism dramatically increasing? other industries moving there????

    Don’t want to sound negative, but why does everyone suddenly think nth QLD is a good place to buy?

    I would…[Read more]

  • Globetrotter replied to the topic Omegatrend in the forum Heads Up! 21 years, 2 months ago

    MLM is not for everyone.
    I tried Omegatrend for about 6 mths, and think it is a reasonable business. But to as the business isn’t about selling great products, it is about chasing members, it didn’t suit me very well.
    I couldn’t help feeling that I was just bugging people all the time.
    Have also got friend who most people now take distance to…[Read more]


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