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  • getahead replied to the topic Insurance in the forum Legal & Accounting 20 years, 4 months ago

    Thanks for the reply Derek.
    I thought that WA was different from Qld but wasn’t sure.

    Thanks getahead

  • getahead replied to the topic Where to go from here! in the forum Help Needed! 20 years, 4 months ago

    I have just read your post and apart from the $80,000 income it pertains to our situation as well. We currently have 3 IP’s with two more under contract. According to Steve’s online calculator they are all in negative territory. I think that with the tax depreciation they may just squeeze into the positive. I am looking (as I suppose just…[Read more]

  • getahead replied to the topic Page Display in the forum Site Problems / Feedback 20 years, 4 months ago

    Thanks for the reply Aceyducey. I have come to same conlusion that you have mentioned and will have to put up with the leftsided screen. As you say there are certain ramifications that will crop up if I go down to a resolution size of 800×600

    Regards getahead[biggrin]

  • getahead replied to the topic Page Display in the forum Site Problems / Feedback 20 years, 4 months ago

    Thanks for the reply Brent but unfortunatly the result didn’t work. When I did as you suggested I got a warning to say that some programs may not run correctly with this setting and also the image on the screen only filled about to thirds of the laptops screen.

    Regards getahead


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