Gemma Lea replied to the topic Removing personal garuntees from trust/company loans. in the forum Finance 12 years ago
" But if it is one off capital gains from the sale of property then this is unlikely to be considered income for loan servicing."
What classifies as one off capital gains terry? Is it If you had a buy and hold property within your trust that you had decided to sell yes?
If your business is the purchasing, renovating and selling of property…[Read more]
Gemma Lea replied to the topic Removing personal garuntees from trust/company loans. in the forum Finance 12 years ago
Looking at my situation.
Currently 3 directors all of varying levels of income. In the future one of the directors is looking to remove himself from the company/trust to go off and do other things. So the only way that his personal guarantees for existing loans to be removed is to show that the existing directors income can satisfy the loans…[Read more]
Gemma Lea replied to the topic SMSF – Renovating a House? in the forum Legal & Accounting 12 years ago
HI jacM and all, with your comment "cannot subdivide off the back yard". Is it possible for a smsf to invest in a Unit trust say at at 50.50 ratio ( Half cash from smsf and Half personal cash). The Unit trust to then go out and purchase a property and using the personal cash to pay for any subdivision/renovation costs ?
Gemma Lea replied to the topic Bathroom Renovation in the forum Value Adding 12 years ago
The main way to keep down cost: try not to change too much of the plumbing.
Keep the sink where the sink is, the shower/bath in the same spot and the toilet the same too, unless you feel changing the layout will significantly improve and increase the room's value.
That means you have only second fix costs for a plumber, like fitting taps…[Read more]Gemma Lea replied to the topic Investment Property – Taperoo South Aust in the forum Help Needed! 12 years ago
*40 linear metres
Gemma Lea replied to the topic Investment Property – Taperoo South Aust in the forum Help Needed! 12 years ago
I currently have two properties located in taperoo. Both bought well under market value. The area still has a fair bit of stigma around it and I would would go as far to say its prob the worse thought of suburb in western adelaide. People say taperoo and go eughh. As for future growth. If your property is located on the western side of the…[Read more]
Gemma Lea replied to the topic First timer wanting to enter the renovation game in the forum Help Needed! 12 years ago
profit – I would be going for the cheapest properties you can find within your area that you think would have a good margin in them. Don't buy a median value or higher end project if this is your first renovation. Learn your basics on a low value house. Because if you do make errors and overvalue your end sale price or overcapitalize your budget…[Read more]
Gemma Lea replied to the topic Asset Protection/Tax Structure in the forum Help Needed! 12 years ago
Terry, What would be your list for structures that provide the greatest to the least amount of asset protection?
Gemma Lea replied to the topic Asset Protection/Tax Structure in the forum Help Needed! 12 years ago
1) Are they currently investing in property themselves and making money ? I know many "knowledgeable" people and they all have a lot of opinions and don't have much involvement in property themselves. Im currently doing my 5th renovation/development in this year to be finished by the end of the year and aiming for 10 renovations/developments for…[Read more]
Gemma Lea replied to the topic First timer wanting to enter the renovation game in the forum Help Needed! 12 years ago
How much profit are you looking to make from doing a renovation project?
How much equity/cash do you have available to use?
How large is your income/serviceability?
How much time do you have?As for reading "massive profits in real estate by adding value & renovations" would be a good $30 buy over a 5k real estate course.