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  • gbell12935 replied to the topic Landlords in Canberra take a bagging in the forum Opinionated! 19 years, 2 months ago

    Sorry, 1975 should have read being around 1971 ? as i was in year 8 in highschool..

    My Mum did a heap of stuff that i have learnt from. She basically did the hard yards and i have over the past 5 years learnt more.
    Being an adult now plus lots of reading of books & also forums.

    I finally understand the commitment my mum did (as a super low wage…[Read more]

  • gbell12935 replied to the topic Landlords in Canberra take a bagging in the forum No Subject 19 years, 2 months ago

    My mum raised my brother & myself in canberra from around 1975 onwards while buying a PPOR and also holding down a second job to pay the bills & raise us 2 blokes (I’m 42 this year)…

    She moved from tumut to canberra, as no real job future for us young guys there in the long run..

    Single Mum – 2 young blokes to raise….

    Sorry, i don’t really…[Read more]


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