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  • Gaylewa replied to the topic Building a Duplex – Illawarra in the forum Help Needed! 12 years, 2 months ago

    Thank you Tracey B I think it’s a bit of a joke as there are a ton of houses with long driveways that have to reverse out. Crazy but will investigate your possibility as it is not a busy road. Cheers!

  • Gaylewa replied to the topic Building a Duplex – Illawarra in the forum Hi I am a newbie too and just 12 years, 2 months ago

    Hi I am a newbie too and just in the process of buying a 40’s villa on front of 1012 block so can subdivide or green title and build behind. My question is that I was told by agent that the back house has to have a turnaround space for the cars out of the garage so they can drive out of the driveway facing forward rather than reversing, which of…[Read more]

  • Gaylewa replied to the topic Building a Duplex – Illawarra in the forum Help Needed! 12 years, 2 months ago

    Hi I am a newbie too and just in the process of buying a 40’s villa on front of 1012 block so can subdivide or green title and build behind. My question is that I was told by agent that the back house has to have a turnaround space for the cars out of the garage so they can drive out of the driveway facing forward rather than reversing, which of…[Read more]


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