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  • gattaga6 replied to the topic manage private or though an agent? in the forum Help Needed! 16 years ago

    thanks                but its not duel tennet the block is 18square meter too small.the reson i can get 350 is because its like a saying that the last tennat when i was going though the agent was colecting rent off a guy and not paying the rent himself.he even got bond money off him.

  • gattaga6 replied to the topic manage private or though an agent? in the forum Help Needed! 16 years ago

    hello         yes she pays the rent sort of she pays monthly but she missed 1 payment and keeps waiting until the next payment and then pays 4 weeks so she s always a week behind.she maintains it well.she likes powerfll showers so i changed the water saver shower to a normal one now the bills are high.she waits till she pays and then winges…[Read more]

  • gattaga6 replied to the topic who pays water bill in rented house? in the forum Help Needed! 16 years ago

    its in nsw


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