gattaga replied to the topic Answers to “Where to Find CF+ Deals” in the forum Help Needed! 17 years ago
hello all what do you think about this site
gattaga replied to the topic FHBG for a share? in the forum Finance 21 years ago
Thanks Pisces,
I’m not really sure what you mean,could you please explain.I am buying the share mainly to use the equity to buy a house to live in with my girlfriend in a couple of years.There is no way we could afford repayments on a house to live in with prices being so high.gattaga replied to the topic FHBG for a share? in the forum No Subject 21 years ago
Hi derek,
I am buying my brothers share because he has another house,and cannot meet both repayments.I am currently living at the house that I will be buying into with my mum and other bother,who also have a share.I currently pay board,so this will almost cover the repayments.I will probably buy a house with my girlfriend in about 1.5 years.gattaga replied to the topic FHBG for a share? in the forum Finance 21 years ago
I am currently living at the address.
gattaga replied to the topic Buying a property in the next 30 days. in the forum General Property 21 years ago
I bought the tape you are talking about,If you think it will alow or give you the info to buy a house in 30 days it wont.Its just a tape about steve and his mates first buy.I did not like it, they just talk about problems they had with there first house.It does not give you info on buying your house within 30 days.AND I DID NOT LIKE THE FACCT THAT…[Read more]
gattaga replied to the topic Negative Geared & Positive Cash Flow??? in the forum General Property 21 years ago
Hi Kelly,
A book that will help you is How to create an income for life by margaret lomas.