As an England supporter I would just like to thank Autralia for making it one of the best finals ever. This will be remember for a long time to come. Good on you Aussies! Hopefully in 4 years time these teams will once again meet in the final.
I believe I predicted England in the final before the first ball was kicked! Well, I would also predict an Aussie bashing on your own turf, and that is going to hurt, just like it felt on the other side of the pond in ’91!
I’m sure it will be a close game, but with Jonny the odds are stacked against you. Any penalty within 50m of the post and you give us three points.
OK, that’s the pool games out of the way, now the fun begins.
Aussies don’t look that impressive, and New Zealand were pushed hard by Wales. South Africa have put out their stall as have France. But you still have to fancy England to go all the way this time!
Dog – tastes like pork, just don’t think about it
Snake – like chicken
Eagle – quite a strong taste
Laeve, bees and a selection of other insects and bugs, usually deep fried – mushy but tasty
Scorpion – very crunchy and not too bad when deep fried
Ducks Tongues – disgusting [xx(]
All worlds exist with opposites. How would the world look if everyone had the same opinion, the same dress sense and the same level of satisfaction! Pretty boring, eh? So please don’t stop.
I for one love your posts, on any of the forums. Play devils advocat, get people riled up, make people think about what they are doing. When people start down a road they get focused at the end of the journey and trip up on things right in front of them. You are the warning sign that makes people look at what is happening now.
Don’t give up, and give people a kick up the a*s when it is needed.
Hope to don’t give up!
“Good Boys go to Heaven, Bad Boys go Everywhere!”[}]
I worked in a chemists (my Dad’s) and always used to get asked for condoms and tampax. As a 12 year old something new [] !
Worked in a hotel bar in a rough area of England so used to get “exciting” on a Friday and Saturday night dodging glasses, bottles and fists [].
Worked as a cleaner in the USA over the summer at a resort in the Rockies. Cleaning kitchens, toilets and room. Always had a smile on my face [] as I knew this was not going to last too long or else I would have hung myself. Bar work again at Uni. Did tele sales for a computer company (lasted two weeks).
Worked as a supermarket manager, early mornings and night shift was a killer , I like my bed too much.
Now working in HK in the construction industry where I have put cranes on a bridge pier in the middle of a river, fallen of the end of the bridge as the railing gave way [] (luckily had a harness on) and eaten dog and a multitude of laeve and insects [xx(] in China when station there for a year.
You read a book to expand your knowledge, not to take verbatim everything that is said, and when it doesn’t work complain and blame someone else. I would agree that the material does not work – at the moment. But the property market will do a reversion and prices will drop slightly. When they start to move back up, dust of that book and see how you can use some of the techniques.
Currently having Meatloaf Bat out of Hell playing in the CD player here at work. But also have Savage Garden, Best of 2003 II, and Gershwin in the drawer. Just took the Bond girls back to the flat (not in the actual sense unfortunately![}])
You could also look at other investments other than property to help grow your capital. I’ve been investing in gold lately and it is very exciting at the moment. US$ is dropping like mad and the oil and gold prices are ready to sky rocket up. If you catch it at the right time easy to make 200% profit in one month. Worth looking into????
The issue may be that the banks are lending to an individual. If you are looking at doing property investment full time would there be benefits in establishing a (limited) company? You then have a company bank account that holds this $300,000, plus all the properties you own. Obviously there will be the paper work and legal issues to sort out with this arrangement. Anyone have a comment on this structure?