Thanks for comments guys and very good idea about the exhaust fan. I just cleaned walls sugar soap and painted over existing paint and filled in cracks with sealer. Well getting a painter over on Friday re quote we’ll see what he says.
Haha… I have also been looking at Agent profiles lately because I’m thinking of selling, they do similar things I guess every agent is a super one…. makes life easy for us as sellers then huh we have an such a wide variety of quality choice.
I was always curious to know do agents exist independently of real estate agencies? Or do you mean, asking an agent that works at a certain real estate agency to find you something that meets yours requirements (from the selection in their agency of course)
I just scope out properties myself, my guess is 99% of people do this but i’d love to be told otherwise. In fact I want to find an agent that could do all the hard work for me, but they should be independent people not associated with any particular agency for obvious reasons do such freelance agents exist?
Yeah your right, thanks for that. I bumped into someone who works at Broadband, she said that businesses actually kicked up and created a rule that they do not be on the list, sounds counter productive at first glance but makes sense. Looks like some cold calls are back on the agenda.
Yes I agree. But my only concern is what about legal issues, are there any in regards to just rocking up to a business trying to basically sell a product. If I phone called that is illegal, surely this is too?
I was thinking that might be the way to go, in fact I would actually prefer it. Only thing is though, how does that relate to the spam act etc. I know you cant cold call them on the phone, how does it relate to just walking into a real estate agency and wanting to speak to the principle?
Thanks for the reply. But that was my point about saying no structural changes to the building, to call it a wall is probably too much more of a divider between the rooms.
To be honest I dont believe it. Unless I see an exact example of a house for say $50,000 or less that was worth $200,000 or so in 2007. It sounds too good to be true.
What do you guys make of this. Is there something else I don’t know about, I mean it says in the advert that the buyer must basically do their own due diligence , but what could possibly go wrong? Maybe I am an optimist.
Lol advertisement deleted? Well what type prices , on the low end can you expect to pay in Atlanta, Detroit, Texas or whever you are buying? Looks like an unreal opportunity, but just awaiting the catch