Gambini replied to the topic WRAPS in the forum Creative Investing 20 years ago
i wish you could do wraps in South Oz
Gambini replied to the topic help me in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
hey there mate your problem is quite simple your thinking where when you should be thinking how find properties with problems solve them and badda bing badda boom if it was as simple as where steve wouldnt write books he would simply sell you the knowledge of where
goodluckGambini replied to the topic Interesting area, consider only if you research in the forum General Property 21 years ago
Not trying to be a prick but investing in tassie is so 2002[tired]
but its still not bad i never spoke on tassie coz i thoughyt it would have been old news
N E WAYZ GOOD LUCK[thumbsup2][king]gAMBINI
Gambini replied to the topic Property News in the forum General Property 21 years ago
Thanks Jo[biggrin]
Gambini replied to the topic input re caravan parks in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago
caravan parks can be gold they also can be the your worst nightmare
so be carefull buddy
thats all the advice i could give someone without seeing with my own eyes
dont get to obsessed with the cocr because costs will always be higher with caravan parks
[cigar]Gambini replied to the topic neg gearing in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago
i only negative geared the house im livin in i mean now its paid off but i pretended i was tenant and paid 220 wk plus i had a house mate paying rent and her friends would periodically stay and pay rent under the table laughin
but as for searchin for a neg geared property only if your looking for capital gains but that should be classed as…[Read more]Gambini replied to the topic Know how to remove the smell of a smoker? in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago
Simple Washy Washy Steamy Steamy
Then burn candles and insense
ta daFinito
[cigar]Gambini replied to the topic Computer Madness in the forum Forum Frolic 21 years ago
New grand theft is out this month boys and girls fun for the whole family[comp]
but nuffin beats Dynasty Warriors 4
Its off tap [cigar]Gambini replied to the topic When is the New Book Released in the forum Heads Up! 21 years ago
thanks buddy
it was so much easier than i thought
[cigar]Gambini replied to the topic When is the New Book Released in the forum Heads Up! 21 years ago
Just answer my own question 27/09/04 for anyone who doesnt yet know
I’ll be so happy when i finally get my hands on it
In case Steve ever reads this
P.S I QUIT SMOKINGGambini replied to the topic Shower Base in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago
vinegar and baking soda for the stains
scrathes stuuf em and charge them extra
chivatosGambini replied to the topic Shower Base in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago
if your selling just patch it up only has to look good for a few week
Gambini replied to the topic Have I missed the boat? in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago
wouldnt hav a clue bout melbourne just know the boat fair is more forget about under 100k
like i say i hav no clue of victoria but whats horsham like [bonjour]
my money and time is invested up northGambini replied to the topic SA, any good? in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago
Sorry Ma,am but you must hav me mixed up because i hav never spoke on melbourne once
i havent the slightest clue as to whats going on in melbourne
so no not my words
bye for now[biggrin]Gambini replied to the topic Questions about Jamie McIntyre in the forum Heads Up! 21 years ago
Jamie is not shoddy he is more knowledgable than steve mcknight himself
he is simply teaching ordinary folk far more than the government wants ppl to know hence why they try to discredit him
Long live Jamie
[biggrin]Gambini replied to the topic SA, any good? in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago
i dont deal with victorian properties so i dont claim to know them but your simply fabricating ideals of s.a being about to boom
Two words bull and you know the other like elsewhere it already has
well go on then invest in s.a
hey why dont you reciet the statistics for this half of the year
chivatoGambini replied to the topic SA, any good? in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago
if your simply looking for cheap properties irrespective of timing with booms go buy in tasmania
s.a will always be cheaper than ther other mainland states
you want diversity try N.Territory
do some research youll seeGambini replied to the topic SA, any good? in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago
yeah once youve picked your area in s.a and do your research you will realise that it has already boomed (its over) you will see why s.a investors are making a killing in Qlds
any real smart investor will tell you
rather than speaking on impulse
chivatoGambini replied to the topic SA, any good? in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago
Suprising since if you hav watched the market south oz rose dramatically now has slown and qlds has now picked up, even better if you were to perform wraps while south oz is coming to a griding halt
chivatoGambini replied to the topic Can’t get insurance for Home on the market in the forum Help Needed! 21 years ago
you hav me thinking now [buz2]
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