Forum Replies Created

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  • Oh one more thing. You want your forum topics on the left and your side bar on the right. You want your users to read the webpage like a book. Left to right. So your welcome, recent achievements, active forum, whats happening now should go n the right. This allows you to read the topics easier at the moment it feels like you kinda have to fight to find what you want to read.

    For a guy who makes allot of money you should spend some on your website Steve: P

    I agree with game. The colour is too strong. The nav bar is not intuitive looks cheap and the icons don’t line up above for me IE8. The forum which I would imagine gets you the most hits is hidden. It probably should have its own button?

    The what’s happening now needs to be smaller. Do serious investors really care about how many posts or achievements they have? I think that’s designed for kids to keep them coming back to the forums maybe it works on adults too :)

    I actually prefered your old webpage. It was just cleaner.

    Where you get it designed at?

    You can thank me later Steve.

    scha9799 wrote:
    if your property manager is good, you better keep them  !

    a good property manager is very hard to find ! worth of gold ! ( there are so many property managers have no idea what they are doing, no communication to clients ….)

    Keep the good property manager, if the property manager is no good move on straight away, don't pray they will be good one day !

    For sure, I am just trying to work out how much gold they are worth ;)

    Are they still paying rent ? yes
    Are they trashing your house ? yes / no

    Property manager cant do anything about a tenant swearing or telling there kids to go to bed. Your consern should be only that they are paying rent and not trashing your investment. Which if they are fighting and having dimestics more then likely you will have your house trashed in someway.

    EG girl friend locks husband out and he brakes the locks on the doors windows to get back in. Happened at one of my places.

    My advice would be to let the next door neighbor know to stay clear of the neighbors and that you will follow up with the PM.
    Then ask the property menager when the next house inspection is? Have them do a through inspection of the house and make sure things are getting trashed.

    If they are trashing your house than thats a problem.
    If they are abusive to everyone, then just stay out of their way.


    Sounds like you should do two things. Talk to your solicitor and talk to a builder. These reports can be worded harshly to cover the ass of the building inspectors should things go wrong. I cant imagine there would be too many issues with a house under 10 years old. I could be wrong tho.

    Get in touch with the building inspector and ask him about your concerns. If you are still worried get a inderpendant builder to quote on repairs. That should give you an idea on costs.

    Get in touch with your solicitor, usally they will have a look at the inspection report and advise you from there.

    Failing that,  in future make sure you have a cause in the contract that you will buy subject to pest and building and I always put finance. And dont sign anything until these things are in place.

    Cheers Good Luck.

    Just did a quick google search. Have a look through here.

    I would also have a chat to a local real estate agent. There is ways to get your cash back.

    I am quite suprised that the reno kings didnt have anything useful to say. They have taught me some good tips over the years which I have used. However I read them all on their website I didnt go to their seminars. Remember these seinars are setup to give property investors big cash injections to allow them to buy more property.  Example

    300 people x $100 = $30 000s. Not bad for four hours work. Nice little deposit for a new property to add to his 26 million ;)

    At any rate seminars are usally just to give you an idea of what their boot camp or dvd packs or books are about. More sales. Usally they will give you a few good points but hold most of the cards closly to their chest so they can sell it to you later.

    At the end of the day mate if you are worried about losing $100s you are probably looking to get into the wrong industry. To be an investor you have to spend money to make money and spend allot more than $100s.

    My advice to you would be to take another $100s and buy yourself a years subscription to a property mag. Read them back to front and you will have infomation over load much better info then any sales seminar.

    Hi mate
    Go see council. You can pay them like $200 bucks for a meeting to let you know exactly what you can and cant do with your property.

    The thing is the answers are never straight forward, so the only way you will get a straight answer is from the council or 3rd party certifier who will know the council restrictions.

    Good luck.

    Yeh not sure it would be worth it, starting to sound like the costs will add up and the sale might just break even ! Thanks for the info guys.

    Hi Guys
    Thanks for the reply. The property was in Bathurst. But I have since found a better deal and chasing that lol :)

    My understanding is they factor in the rent when they sell you the property as well. SO lets say for example the actual worth is $200 000, but they sell it to you as $260 000. And the $60000 is your rent paying back to yourself for the next 13 years.

    As an example only.

    Have a look at this.
    A new industry or Moree.

    I am currently thinking the same thing bout investing in a different area. Having said that I have a good deal with the property managers looking after the property in the area I have currently brought in. How do people go about working out one good property manager from another ? If you are just buying one property to you try and bargin a deal out with them ?

    Yeh, $160K renting for $200 pw is not great, but doesnt have to mean its bad. It depends on the situation and the loan its servicing and the location might hvae slighly better capital growth.

    colinnewland wrote:
    Every agent is under a legal obligation to submit EVERY offer so do not take what the agents says "too low and offer". Write it up and submit a modest deposit ($1).
    Sit down WITH the seller (not the agent) and find out what their selling motivation is; do they need CASH TODAY?
    I would include a special clause to the effect that the offer is open until a set date and time 'UNLESS you have another offer on a different property accepted prior to them accepting'. This allows you to make multipul offers all over the place and only legally obliged to completed the offer that IS accepted. This allows you to get on with closing on a deal and not waste further time on poor agents or laging sellers.
    I would also send a copy of the offer direct to the seller (and advise the agent of this as well), just to make sure that they are actually submitting your offer.
    I would not carry a bleeding heart for too long either, just cast your net as wide as possible.

    Good advise about submitting the deposit, however I would go a bit further and do a 5% cheque with the condtions to accept within 48 hours.
    And remember to vendor's may have nutted out a deal, like renting the house back from the person who brought it etc. So the deal of 255 plud not have to move out of his house for a year might be more appealing than your $260 offer.

    LOL $180K in savings !!!!!

    OMG mate
    You sound like you have no idea how it works? lol
    Look if you dont have batterys then the power goes back into the grid and you should recieve a certin ammount of money back for that power that you generated.
     For example. the feed in tariff rate was .60c per klwatt hour and has been reduced recently by the govt to .20pklwatt hour. It depends what you signed up for. If you have 6 to 8 panels your should get roughtly 2-3 $ back at day at the .60c feed in tariff rate.
    First of all I would go back to the company that installed it for you, have them explain it to you how it works. You NEED to know how it work so that you dont lose out.

    You need to check on your inverter how much electricity your panels are generating. What if you have one dodgey solar panel then you are losing out massively.

    Take control mate dont get bent over.

    Hi Mate
    Listen talk to any investor and they will tell you that you need to have some capital growth plus good rental yeild.
    I would be a bit weary buying in that place you are talking about. Because if <moderator: delete language> you need to sell, ask yourself these questions. WILL I be able to sell? WILL I be able to sell fast and at least cover my costs? If you answered no to any of those questions then save a bit more cash and buy a house a bit closer to the town center. You will find two or 3 blocks away there will be some good bang for your buck there for almost the same ammount of cash and the quaility of tennat will be better.
    Good luck.

    You need to talk yourself up a bit mate. Go see a FA. Even if you only have a computer and some chairs at home this can be put down as a couple of grand that you own.

    I also have a an IT job of about $58Gs. I have never been on an awesome wage and never been on a bad wage, but I have still managed to aquire 4 properties.

    You need to get a second job. Put your head down for 6 months and work you ass off mate. You will be ammazed how quickly you can save an extra $20Gs. Put that money in a high % interest account along with your $10G and you will hve 30 in no time. Then go find a nice country town with good growth and invest it. Buy a dog and use $5000 to reno it. Dont spend to much time on the reno. Two weeks max and have the real estate agent ready to rent it.

    Then quit your second job and take some time off. Once your ready, do it again.

    Good luck.

    I would be interested in buying the tickets. Please private message me your email so I can contact you.

    Good:Very affordable houses at $371000 med prices. Ana growth sits at 7% for units. Vacancy rate is ultra tight 1.1%, according to sqms December data. Rent yield is good at 6% for units. Heathly sales turn over 394 for units.

    Bad: Quarter growth is pretty flat at 3 % for units. Average Anaual growth is pretty average at 7% for units.
    stock on the market is up 19% according to sqm hinting at over supply. Average vendor discounting is quite high at -5% 4 units.
    Unemployment is on the up rising from 6.9% 2005 to 8.4% in 2009% according to abs.
    Med price for units fell over -1% the past year.

    Good luck.

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