G-MAN007 replied to the topic Henry kaye aftermath in the forum No Subject 21 years ago
Im with melbear on this one. Your trippin!!! You dont even know what information hk presented, yet you make huge assumptions. I can bet that if steve has a seminar for $$xxx you’ll be the first to buy a ticket.
G-MAN007 replied to the topic Henry kaye aftermath in the forum Opinionated! 21 years ago
OK, one thing people should understand is: yes hk is <<edited – defamatory>>, but he was completely againest cbd, docklands and southbank apartments, the media was completely wrong about this. secondly, people wanted to secure there future, get out of jobs they hate this is what motivated people, everyone wants to get rich but contrary to the…[Read more]
G-MAN007 replied to the topic Useful Books or Seminars?? in the forum Heads Up! 21 years ago
G-MAN007 replied to the topic Almost time to settle my henry kaye property in the forum General Property 21 years ago
cool thanks guys ill speak with my solicitor. Its not oasis, Id rather not say which development as it may incriminate me lol
G-MAN007 replied to the topic Almost time to settle my henry kaye property in the forum General Property 21 years ago
im in victoria, property is also in vic.
G-MAN007 replied to the topic Almost time to settle my henry kaye property in the forum General Property 21 years ago
thanks mh, i need to change the title because i cannot settle the property on my own at this point in time.
G-MAN007 replied to the topic SELLERS MARKET YES!, BUYERS MARKET NO! in the forum No Subject 22 years ago
with low interest rates low unemployment and people still uneasy about the sharemarket, i cant see a “bust” so to speak occurring. prices will flatten in the apartment market and mild losses will occur, however people still want to invest look at all the shows on tv “renovation rescue” “the block” diy this diy that. People believe theres money in…[Read more]
G-MAN007 replied to the topic HK EXPOS’E ON TODAY TONIGHT, TONIGHT! in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
HAS HK been on today tonight yet, im still at work pls aDVISE.
G-MAN007 replied to the topic HK EXPOS’E ON TODAY TONIGHT, TONIGHT! in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
I think they asked him to come on, whether he will is another matter.
G-MAN007 replied to the topic mezanine investment in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
hk gets people to speak about mez on the proviso that they can market to his disciples, these deals arent HK created deals.
G-MAN007 replied to the topic Is it really that bad? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
id say that if you took cbd & southbank out of the equation, vacancy rates would be much lower. suburbs like footscray, northcote, elwood even port melbourne with all its development have low vacancy rates, mainly because people want to live there and in suburbs like footscray theres next to no land and tough building regulations regarding…[Read more]
G-MAN007 replied to the topic mezanine investment in the forum No Subject 22 years ago
firstly, make sure a prospectus is provided and get your accountant to read it. Investigate the deal, the developer, the quality of previous work the location etc etc, do your own due diligence. some investment banks, eg maquarie offer mez if you have enough capital + they will guarntee your capital from any loss with a bank guarantee from a top 4…[Read more]
G-MAN007 replied to the topic Neil Jenman in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
apparently he’s no better than all the people he criticises. An article in ‘The Age’ said he has made a small fortune with his system and constantly threatens legal action againest RE’s within his system that dont pay even if its a few days over due. Hes apparently a real tyrant out for what ever he can get.
G-MAN007 replied to the topic SUCCESS WITH HK? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
Thanks for that VLuu27.
Im in agreance with what you say, it is very hypocritical the way PCG gets you to buy property without doing the research I fell into the trap and did infact buy from pcg. the sales people in my opinion are of the the sleezy car salesman variety. I ended up doing the research after i bought the property and believe i…[Read more]
G-MAN007 replied to the topic Guaranteed 20% return! in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
mezzanine is usually 60-70% bank 20% mez and 10% developer. I would stay away unless theres a prospetus and you have checked out the quality of the development yourself.
G-MAN007 replied to the topic Units/Apartments in High Rises in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
The move to high rise living is due to changing demographics, lifestyle factors etc, I cant see a major shift in this trend as more and more of the population enjoys the cafe lifestyle, living close to where they work etc. Add to that more professionals to busy to mow the backyard and it starts to make sense to live in apartments. Look at New york…[Read more]
G-MAN007 replied to the topic Will a LOC allow me to cease work for 6 months? in the forum No Subject 22 years ago
Ok, this is a question i want some ideas on too. My account demonstrated to me how I could setup a trust structure were i could sell one property and pay my self a wage from the capital gain. In doing this i would require a separate trust/company that would invoice the first trust each week/month. As long as company 2 has a ligitimate commercial…[Read more]
G-MAN007 replied to the topic Seminars – Tax Deduction? in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
I spent $4500 on a course and it was tax deductable without me purchasing an investment property. I was advised that as long as you have some sort of investment eg: a small parcel of shares it can be claimable.
G-MAN007 replied to the topic in vic in the forum No Subject 22 years ago
I havent and never would. I have to question this whole positive gearing thing in the country. you might make 20 to $30 a week in cashflow per week but wheres the capital gain, as far as im concerned this is where the money is made. It just seems stupid to me to have a bunch of properties that will never really be worth much.
G-MAN007 replied to the topic Oasis, St Kilda. in the forum The Treasure Chest 22 years ago
Hi Louise,
Oasis in a hk development. It is Worth having a look at as it is very unique and well located. and no i dont work for pcg or hk. PS: the units being sold will be units purchased 2.5 years ago that are being on sold.
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