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  • fWord replied to the topic Australian FHBs go on strike! in the forum Help Needed! 13 years, 8 months ago

    SmartGenY wrote:
    @fWord – There is more to buying houses than just supply and demand, there is also opportunity cost. (Not to mention that demand is dictated by credit).

    Good point. Availability of credit is very important. I'm no economist, but basic knowledge tells me that a tightening of credit would cause house prices to take a fall.…[Read more]

  • SmartGenY replied to the topic Australian FHBs go on strike! in the forum Help Needed! 13 years, 8 months ago

    As a young GenY professional that thinks the Get Up campaign is great. Let me put forth a few provocative responses. I am not in the property industry so please critique my logic below as I wouldn't be surprised if it is not entirely accurate or representative.@fWord – There is more to buying houses than just supply and demand, there is also…[Read more]


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