FUN replied to the topic Temporary resident? in the forum General Property 20 years ago
Thanks Paul,
I read that before but somehow slipped from my memory. But as you said, I definitely get some professional advice if going to do so.Thanks again.
From FUNFUN replied to the topic A sick persuit of money in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
My opinions, there is no point to argue with people who have different view on the subject. You’re not going to change their minds on the subject by arguing. So if they think investors are bad, you won’t win them to your way of thinking by arguing. So may be better off just avoid the subject or understand that they haven’t seen the other side…[Read more]
FUN replied to the topic what do I do now? in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
As other said, it’s hard to comment without details. However, just put in some ideas.
Since you’re planning to move into the new purchased property in 3 years, if you don’t mind for the time being to live in a rented property, then may be you can sell the current house and rent a place to live. Then the capital gain may be put into the…[Read more]
FUN replied to the topic Temporary resident? in the forum General Property 20 years ago
Thanks Jen,
That’s interesting to know, although i’m still single.
Anyway, will foreigner (having temporary working visa) be able to set up trust with business partner who is citezen or permanent resident and hence buy properties for investment?
Thanks everyone for help
From FUNFUN replied to the topic Looking at Property Before You Purchase in the forum No Subject 20 years ago
I think if you can somehow assure that what you’re buying is really what you are after, then it is not necessary to see it personally (leverage as well). But it may be difficult especially if you are new to the area or even in this game.
Just opinions from novice.
From FUNFUN replied to the topic Real positive cashflow/gearing in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
I think the answer varies amongst individuals but I prefer to think the real +ve cashflow deal is one before tax. Because if you need to take into account the tax effect in order to get +ve cashflow, you will eventually max out the tax benefit.
Just opinions from novice.
From FUNFUN replied to the topic Temporary resident? in the forum General Property 20 years ago
Thanks for the info and website, Paul.
From FUN
FUN replied to the topic How to use the leverage? in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
Hi JackHu,
Since you read “Rich Dad” and knew you should start small, then you should also know it’s not money making money. You need to somehow create and come up with capital. Then your results will by themselves convince your parents or whoever to finance or lend you money.
Just opinions from novice.
From FUNFUN replied to the topic Motivation? in the forum General Property 20 years ago
Thanks JKM,
What you said is very true from my experience as well, I mean it’s one of the great drive that we have friend the like and keep ourselves motivated and checked. Not just friends having same interest over something, but together have the desire to improve on that subject.
From FUN
FUN replied to the topic Interest rates set to fall in the forum General Property 20 years ago
Hi MiniMogul,
Thanks very much for your advice, it’s very insightful!
From FUN
FUN replied to the topic Motivation? in the forum General Property 20 years ago
Thanks Endless Summer! Will try that out!
From FUN
FUN replied to the topic Anybody completing wraps in WA in the forum Creative Investing 20 years ago
Thanks for the info, HotRod.
From FUN
FUN replied to the topic Old versus New in the forum General Property 20 years ago
I am a novice here, but if you don’t mind opinions from me, I believe the issue is not whether the property is new or old, it is the ‘solution’ that you provide that make it happens. So we all need to think hard to come up feasible solution:)
Also I believe that positive cashflow only after taking advantage of depreciation is not truely…[Read more]
FUN replied to the topic Anybody completing wraps in WA in the forum Creative Investing 20 years ago
Hi, is wrap still legal in WA? Or better way to ask, do you know in which states that wrap is legal? Coz I heard that it’s not for every state.
Just question from novice.
From FUNFUN replied to the topic Motivation? in the forum General Property 20 years ago
Thanks for the reply guys!
I think what Dazzling said is very true, it should be the elevated plateau rather than the infrequent peak that we should be motivated for the long run.
From FUN
FUN replied to the topic Best method for paying loan quicker in the forum Finance 20 years ago
Another quick way to repay loan is to sell it. If there has been good capital gain, you will have more capital to buy another property.
Just my novice opinion!
From FUNFUN replied to the topic Boosting rental income in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
I think to make it legal, you are just effectively sponsoring them $100 every week like giving them pocket money every week. They are just renting a place cost $180 per week, which place happens to be yours!
But what’s the benefit? Will it really keep the price of the property up with the current market? Who knows, until you sell it…[Read more]
FUN replied to the topic Interest rates set to fall in the forum No Subject 20 years ago
Hi MiniMogul,
I certainly agree what you said about skillful investors. Just to further asking your opinion, do you think that skillful investors don’t waste their time reading or even stay away from all these predictions/speculations about property market?
Or do they still need to follow closely what others think about the market? But what’s…[Read more]
FUN replied to the topic Selling techniques while keeping tenant on side? in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
Why is that you think the property is more for a owner occupier rather than for a property investor?
If it attracts tenants, I’m sure it may suit some investors. Anyway, just my novice opinion.
From FUN
FUN replied to the topic New 11 Sec Solution in the forum Help Needed! 20 years ago
Hi Natasha,
My understanding of the formula is that it provides a quick comparison of the property you’re looking at with others in the area.
If the % is much higher or lower than other similar properties in the area, it may imply a sign of opportunity and prompt you to investigate further. However, the final decision should not be based on this…[Read more]
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