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  • fullout replied to the topic Tired of hearing Neil Jenman in the forum Opinionated! 17 years, 7 months ago

    hey guys,I went into a Jenman real estate shop few years back, guess what happened! Got into an argument with the selling agent!I was looking for a property to buy,fixup and resell. When I went in, I asked him some questions and he didn't want to answer my question about house price! Instead, he gave me his own questions – How much is your budget…[Read more]

  • fullout replied to the topic ANZ Online Saver account in the forum Opinionated! 17 years, 7 months ago

    Is that online saver account from ANZ just an internet one(without ATM card)?Try Bankwest, they have a new account-has atm card, eftpost etc-no fees-4.75%

  • fullout replied to the topic Which lender lends to Hybrid Discretionary Trust? in the forum ok,im trying to use my HDT 17 years, 7 months ago

    ok,im trying to use my HDT to buy a home/land package. I heard that there are not many lenders who would do the home as it is not built yet, would need a construction loan. Which lender would lend? Im hoping one of the big banks will….

  • fullout replied to the topic Do you use a trust ? in the forum Legal & Accounting 17 years, 7 months ago

    Hi,If you own a property under your trust, and you take out the loan in your own name to negative gear,,,, the next time u want to do a homeloan, wouldn't your loan capability go down a lot? You have loans, but no asset/income from asset/.?????????????????????

  • fullout replied to the topic selling land and a home package? in the forum Value Adding 19 years, 3 months ago

    BUt if you read this month’s API, on page 44, Amanda did it in 2003. Bought a land, and sold it as a house+land package.
    I am sure she did not go thru the building phase.

    HOw did that work?


  • fullout replied to the topic ESC (Richmastery) ? in the forum No Subject 20 years, 2 months ago

    How can it be below market value when they say “Immediate Equity =$3020”, and then their fee for finding the property = $4000 – 5000???


  • fullout replied to the topic Richmastery seminar in the forum Help Needed! 20 years, 2 months ago

    NOt to mention the $ fines for not following their silly rules (eg no mobile phone, NO GOING TO TOILETS $50 ouch! etc).

    Plus make you play silly games with money bets. In one game, they said ” Ok everyone group together at this side of the room, take out a $5 note”. Then they asked us to play “clap and pass the 5 dollar!” No instructions given,…[Read more]

  • fullout replied to the topic Richmastery seminar in the forum Help Needed! 20 years, 2 months ago

    I went to their seminar last year. It was good, cos i was a beginner in property and didnt know much. Actually they cover quite a lot of topics, but not very thoroughly.
    Has a bunch of different speakers for diff topics.
    Make you wake up at 5am in the morning and go to sleep at 1am to make you feel your money is worth it by giving extra hours.
    BUt…[Read more]

  • fullout replied to the topic mezzanine lender in the forum Finance 20 years, 5 months ago

    the approximate value of the completed project will be 400k at a minimum (420 more realistic, according to the current sales in that area. Plus this will be a brand new home, so i guess 420k or more is realistic). Say we take 400.
    Land + to build is about 330k. I will take out a primary loan of 230k, and looking for a 100k mezzanine finance or…[Read more]

  • fullout replied to the topic mezzanine lender in the forum Finance 20 years, 5 months ago

    May i know where can i find mezzanine lenders? DO the banks provide mez loan themself? or other lenders?

    Anyone got any recommendation>?


  • fullout replied to the topic Robert Kiyosaki tour in the forum General Property 20 years, 8 months ago

    Anyone is going to the Melbourne seminar and can get group discount? I need 2 tickets please. Email me at [email protected]


  • fullout replied to the topic On-selling Call Option will attract Stamp Duty??? in the forum General Property 20 years, 10 months ago

    oh yeah its the State Revenue Office, not the ATO.

    I wonder if they actyually mean double stamp duty or just the difference that i put into my pocket.


  • fullout replied to the topic today tonight- tenant damage in the forum General Property 20 years, 11 months ago

    a good way to finance your cosmetic renovation![:D]


  • fullout replied to the topic Property Investment Seminar’s in the forum General Property 20 years, 11 months ago

    Actually there is nothing wrong with Negative Gearing – as a strategy to get the tax deduction back from your employment income. As long as you dont buy too many (around 2 -5).

    People tend to generalize too much and jump straight into the conclusion that all Neg Gear properties are not a good investment.


  • fullout replied to the topic Wait before u renovate- depreciate in the forum General Property 21 years ago

    can anyone recommend a REALLY GOOD QS in Melbourne? thanks


  • fullout replied to the topic fast credit card application? in the forum Hotch Potch 21 years ago


    did u give wespac all the docs they need on the spot? how come so fast?


  • fullout replied to the topic Joseph Tigani ‘Marketing Residential Property’book in the forum Heads Up! 21 years ago

    Hi rebecca,

    Wow, i thought it was a very good book. Cos I spoke with a property investor who made a lot of money, and he told me one of the book that he learned some of his special strategies was from that book.

    Did it really cost $200+?


  • fullout replied to the topic good mortgage broker in melbourne? in the forum No Subject 21 years ago

    hi dilcem and brownrabbit,

    my email is [email protected], please email me


  • fullout replied to the topic Pro active Accountant in the forum Hotch Potch 21 years ago

    Try Chris Batten (Batten and Associates) in Sydney. He is great, one of the greatest in the country – knows everything about asset protection, company, trusts structures, is very updated and creative. A very humourous man as well. I heard him lecture before in a seminar, and he’s one of the best


  • fullout replied to the topic title owner info in the forum Hotch Potch 21 years ago

    hi tools,

    thanks! do u know what info do i get from the search? Owner name? COntact? Land measurements?Mortgage…


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