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  • Profile photo of Fudge111Broz00Fudge111Broz00
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 245

    Well over 80 people have my spreadsheet, unbelievable, considering it has been right in the middle of my uni exams. Just a quick note,

    if you put a property value in under $115,000 the stamp duty will not be correct. This is because the formula i put in for stamp duty was the one from the bracket $115,000 to $800,000 which is $2,560 + 6c for every dollar over $115,000

    This can be easily fixed by making another vlookup table, with all the brackets in it, i will probably do that actually, anyway no big deal, just be aware that the stamp duty will be incorrect for houses outside that bracket.

    Also, considering i have sent it to over 80 people, could some give feeback in the forum, would be most appreciated.



    Profile photo of Fudge111Broz00Fudge111Broz00
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 245

    Good guess Arty, i spose we’ll just have to wait and see, i have a feeling there will be no more levels though[:(]

    I still think platinum should be a different colour than the moderators, but anyway, we’ll just have to cope, lol


    Profile photo of Fudge111Broz00Fudge111Broz00
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 245

    Thanks Sooshie, I am quite happy with it too, considering how little i knew about this stuff like 4 months ago.[:P]

    Melbear, can’t put the interest in with the other cash flows as it is different over the 3 years ie you pay more interest in the first year than in the 3rd, that’s why i have the proration vlookup table.

    I could do it that way if i just took the average, as i have done in my new worksheets, but it is not as accurate.

    Still, at least now you can any loan term, i also did take into account about tax in the income used, you just have to work out your net salary after tax and see how much of it you can save.

    Thanks for the feedback, really appreciate it[8D]


    Profile photo of Fudge111Broz00Fudge111Broz00
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 245

    Hi everyone,

    Well, i’ve sent my spreadsheet to over 55 people, but only around 10-15 have the new version.

    From now on i will only be sending it to people who email me directly, if you reply to this thread, i will not send it, so please email me to get your copy

    [email protected]



    Profile photo of Fudge111Broz00Fudge111Broz00
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 245

    Hi guys, i understand what a QS does, but what does it actually stand for?

    Could you please reply



    Profile photo of Fudge111Broz00Fudge111Broz00
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 245

    Great list Troy, that is definately a great starting point, sure a little more further investigation would be needed such as hitting the streets and getting a feel for the place.

    But that is more than a good starting point, very comprehensive, i’m impressed.


    Profile photo of Fudge111Broz00Fudge111Broz00
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 245

    Hi again

    I have sent my new version around to a few people, it covers the needs of everyone now as you can work out profits and cash flows for any loan term, P&I and also int only.

    If you want it, contact me

    [email protected]


    Profile photo of Fudge111Broz00Fudge111Broz00
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 245


    I have made an enhancement to my spreadsheet where you now can calculate cash flows over any loan term you like, it is in a seperate worksheet called “Property 1 term”

    So now my spreadsheet is much more flexible, if you would like the update, email me

    [email protected]


    Profile photo of Fudge111Broz00Fudge111Broz00
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 245

    It’s not too bad Kelvin, but it fails to take tax into account, still it is a good rough indicator, and you are not restricted on your loan term like mine.


    Profile photo of Fudge111Broz00Fudge111Broz00
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 245

    Hi guys,

    I must re-iterate to people that could you please email me on

    [email protected]

    if you want a copy, there is too much demand for me to keep on sending seperate emailsall the time


    Profile photo of Fudge111Broz00Fudge111Broz00
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 245

    Hi Jay

    Could you please email me

    [email protected]

    it’s easier for me that way as i have to send to so many people


    Profile photo of Fudge111Broz00Fudge111Broz00
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 245

    That is true Josh,

    However, the main thing about +cf properties is the certainty, you are almost certain of earning passive income from these properties, the ones that are held for capital gains you are never certain if the capital gains you expect will occur.
    And while you wait for the appreciation you have to source the investment out of your own income.


    Profile photo of Fudge111Broz00Fudge111Broz00
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 245

    Golly, this post has only been up around 24 hours and i have already sent my spreadsheet to over 40 people!

    That’s like 1 person every 40 mins!

    Please send comments about my spreadsheet, i would love to hear them,



    Profile photo of Fudge111Broz00Fudge111Broz00
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 245

    Sure Josh,

    We’re looking long-term. Broz and I can sacrifice for a few years to get the rewards later, we are only young (20) and we aren’t like most youngsters who wanna spend alot. In fact, we can enjoy life just as much living off hardly anything i reckon.

    Then when we are older we will be set, money will never be a problem, and i can choose how much i wanna work, grouse!


    Profile photo of Fudge111Broz00Fudge111Broz00
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 245


    I’m not particurly looking for +cf properties, the more positive the better, but because i pay them off so quickly they don’t really need to be positive, they can be a bit more towards capital appreciation.

    Profile photo of Fudge111Broz00Fudge111Broz00
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 245

    Hi Everyone again

    Amazing stuff, so much interest, umm, i’ll have to take sooshies advice and from now on if you would like a copy could you email me

    [email protected]

    Kris, How”s it going, Broz and I are both 20 years of age. My ss is quite restricted to paying off houses in 3 years or less, but besides that it is very good.


    Profile photo of Fudge111Broz00Fudge111Broz00
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 245

    Still plenty of interest everyone, i have sent it to 16 people in one morning!

    I am more than happy to share it with as many people as possible, so for a copy reply back and i’ll send it via email…..


    PS: if anyone makes changes to it to make it better i’d love to see them too!

    Profile photo of Fudge111Broz00Fudge111Broz00
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 245

    Thanks Lisa

    I mean i must admit i have based my plan on properties valued at 160k and renting at $280 a week.

    These properties would be close to +cf properties and wouldn’t be too easy to find, i spose it may be all to do with the property market and what it does in the next couple of years, noone really knows do they. Broz and I still have 2 years till we graduate from Uni and so maybe the bubble will burst before then, we’ll just have to see what happens.

    PS: if you would like to see my plan in action you can go to my spreadsheet topic and request it be send to you via email,



    Profile photo of Fudge111Broz00Fudge111Broz00
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 245

    Yeh, i understand that Lisa, i was just refering to the 2.5% depreciation on a house built after 1987. There is 4% for houses built 1985-1987, does anyone know why?


    Profile photo of Fudge111Broz00Fudge111Broz00
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 245

    12 people already, amazing!

    Remember to post your comments too guys, love to see what you all think~


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