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  • Profile photo of Fudge111Broz00Fudge111Broz00
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 245

    Good Question MJK,

    Well i predict that in 2 years time, when broz and I finish our uni degrees, that house prices will be almost the same as they are now, and with rents slowly on the increase i’m sure it will be alot easier to find down the track.

    It is just a basis for my plan, sure, it may not work out exactly like i would like, but all i know is that it will work, because we can aim for houses in areas such as bendigo which will increase in value alot in the future.

    I would like to get as close to a positive cf as I can, however, i can aim a little for capital apprecition too.

    My plan also opens up many more opportunities as I am not restricted to the one tenth of properties which are said to be +cf.

    I do not want property investing to take over my time, i want it too give me free time. I will also save time through this plan, as i am focusing on paying off houses rather than buying many houses which takes up most of your spare time.

    For steve he couldn’t even work to do what he has done, his full-time job was basically looking for properties, and he is lucky he had that flexibility, most people don’t unfortunately.

    I know that my returns will not be as high through my plan than what Steve has done, but the saving in time will be huge.

    If I can reach my goals i should be able to retire around 42-44 with around $100,000pa, now that seems good enough for me.

    Thanks all


    Profile photo of Fudge111Broz00Fudge111Broz00
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 245

    Hi everyone,

    I am still recieving alot of email requests for my spreadsheet, due to the old post coming back to the main page, just a reminder that you can only now get the ss by going to the URL rentmaster kindly made for my spreadsheet.



    Profile photo of Fudge111Broz00Fudge111Broz00
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 245

    Thanks nu gen,
    Hi Celivia!
    yeh, just unprotect the worksheets and you can change anything you want, i did not put a password on any of them.

    If you want to change interest rates just unprotect the sheet and go to the vlookup page, change the rates in the tax rates table. There is then alot more to do in the vlookups after that which is pretty challenging, you would need to know excel pretty well to change the formulas…

    As for stamp duty, that is also hard, i wouldn’t suggest changing that one around unless you have a clear knowledge of what you are doing in excel.

    Just send a reply on different interest rates and i might be able to change it for you and i’ll send a message back to this thread so you can copy and paste it into your spreadsheet



    Profile photo of Fudge111Broz00Fudge111Broz00
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 245

    I think at the end of the day that if you are lucky enough to be blessed by god in the way of having a free life with no money problems, and you use some of your money to help others throughout your life, whether it be giving to charities or organising days out for sick kids, etc you will have performed gods will i would think .


    Profile photo of Fudge111Broz00Fudge111Broz00
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 245


    I think I’m a bit like Muppet, i just grabbed a number out of thin air, but i think obviously it will increase just slightly, it won’t rise very fast i wouldn’t think.


    Profile photo of Fudge111Broz00Fudge111Broz00
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 245

    I’d say 7.7% by christmas 2004, hope i’m close!


    Profile photo of Fudge111Broz00Fudge111Broz00
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 245

    Yep, i totally agree Craigc, i reckon that is what will happen too…


    Profile photo of Fudge111Broz00Fudge111Broz00
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 245

    good stuff craig, it would seem repuptation is a big thing in property investing!


    Profile photo of Fudge111Broz00Fudge111Broz00
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 245

    Thanks Kay,

    you make some interesting points there, i spose it does depend alot on the investors themselves and also how much apartments and residential properties have been overvalued in the past couple of years,

    anyone else have an opinion on this issue?
    more than happy to hear what you have to say…


    Profile photo of Fudge111Broz00Fudge111Broz00
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 245

    Well, Josh,

    We’ll just have to wait and see, i have a feeling interest rates will rise slightly and just keep prices stagnant for a while, therefore as you say inflation will erode the prices.


    Profile photo of Fudge111Broz00Fudge111Broz00
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 245

    To everybody,

    Rentmaster has been kind enough to put a link on the net for my ss.

    No more emails will be needed

    the url is



    Profile photo of Fudge111Broz00Fudge111Broz00
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 245

    Hi craigc

    do you have the same property as security for a number of different loans?


    Profile photo of Fudge111Broz00Fudge111Broz00
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 245

    Cool, thanks again C2, you’ve been a great help.

    Can anyone else give me some info on how many times the same property can be used as security for different loans?

    Is it to do with value compared with loan amount?



    Profile photo of Fudge111Broz00Fudge111Broz00
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 245

    Yes Steve,

    I certianly understand that, so basically your depreciation that you once got tax deductions for then becomes tax assessable when you sell the property

    is this correct?


    Profile photo of Fudge111Broz00Fudge111Broz00
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 245

    thanks C2
    one more question
    can the same property be used for security on two different loans?


    Profile photo of Fudge111Broz00Fudge111Broz00
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 245

    So basically the bank doesn’t want to lend you a certain amount of money just on your income, so they say “if you give us this property you already own as security then we will lend you the money”

    Is that pretty much what it means?


    Profile photo of Fudge111Broz00Fudge111Broz00
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 245

    Yeh C2,

    I came quite new and i need someone to run through cross-collaterisation with me, so if anyone can help, it’d be most appreciated


    Profile photo of Fudge111Broz00Fudge111Broz00
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 245

    Thanks Rentmaster!

    I feel quite special to have a link on the web for my spreadsheet, thankyou for doing that for me, it certainly takes all the work out of sending emails around!


    Profile photo of Fudge111Broz00Fudge111Broz00
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 245

    Sounds like you shouldn’t sell Deb, i mean, they would definately be positive casf flow, and it would seem that the new carpets etc would also pay themselves off eventually, especially if you can raise the rents after installing them,



    Profile photo of Fudge111Broz00Fudge111Broz00
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 245

    Nick, i have sent it to the first 13 or so, you just need to email one of them for a copy



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