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Hi Guys, Does anyone know or what is anybody's take on Cahflow Capital ( Spiro)
Tip, Stick with one formula that you understand if you are starting out, Be patient and then as you aquire your first property,Learn a different formula and so on. This is how we started out we just keep on going,Every property that we but has a different strategy to it and will have a different out come as well.The so call down turn has not stopped us buying property,We are just using another way to make money on it.You must treat it like a business not an investment then you think more laterally.Any questions. went a wealth net seminar last Saturday in Sydney,500 plus turned up close the doors. Margaret was guest speaker as was Scott from Depreciator.Magaret is the face and her hubby does all the accounts, Paper work,Contrats and so on. Still You need a team and that is exactly what they are.
I went to his seminar on september 24th at the ent centre sydney, What a fantastic experience,Mind boggling, he has so much energy.He is back next year for his last unleash the power within seminar.What a motivator he will streth your comfort zones by a mile. love him.
What i really want to get straight is, Is it a invoice transaction with GST or Just here are my bank details put the funds in here!!.
For Me, Townhouses so you still get land component,if it is for long term,then it suits uni Students,Generation X and Y not too mention stats that show 35% of all house hold will be single people in 10 to 15 years time,for a number of reasons.
I have the same problem,They are scared of you failing,be paitent because when you do make it unfotunatlety you need family to share your success.
i agree,
Positive cash flow ++++++ in new zealand, stay where you are and look carefully and you will be knocked over by the abundance of property that puts money in your pocket.Tax implications are a little different but there is money to be made.$2,195.00 is not enough,charge paul more
Paul you are petty,please show me a better return on your money(2195.00) and i will put it up.I have been to 4 different types of seminars from personel development,shares and property and have paid in excess of $16,000 and i have got this money back on returns and knowledge 10 times over.I still look out for the best seminars that would further enhance my wealth strategies.I would love to attend steve’s seminar but i am based in sydney and involved in a few projects here or else i would have no objection in attending.Paul you are obviously very frustrated with your self and lack confidence therefore you will not get anything out of this seminar.Negative people attract negative life styles.So when your attitude changes for the better please advise or i can give you a name of a personel development program that may do you some good.Everything about investing in property is out there its gaining the knowledge to access it.So paul go and speak to your professionals and see what figure you come up with.quosimado,
Please correrct me if i am wrong, but the paul hanna of the ( you can do it and believe and acheive books ) is not the same person as paul and danny hanna(That own morgan Pacific.).Paul and danny hanna,i have been to their introductory seminars for the past 2 x years but never the weekend one, but i have friends that have and they all hype.These guys are property developers and with some rehabs on the side.they projects are in homebush,pennant hills district,they do not do positive cash flow deals nor do they go into country areas,They do options.Any hair dressers out there,you to can be a multi millionaire as this is what theses guys were in the late 90’S.To get all of their information they had knowledge from 3 different property multi millionaires and just basically worked around them to create their own company.They are smart,very smart,and look at for the yellow ferrari it does exist.Want to know more!
They can eithier replace the dogs with small ones or just change pets to a cat.Problem solved.NEXT
Gazzal, Do not proceed, you have not been told the whole story,i have been burnt by this and still recovering.I will never ever buy off the plan again.Do an independent study on the project area.
Angie,Yes there are these type of properties in NSW and closer than you think.Remember that you have to make the deal happen. This is where it gets challenging but it is fun when the deal comes off.Try a different strategies,use your imagination the possibilities are endless.I think that also you may have to get up and go more often instead of relying on the web or so.Properties are bought by savvy investors prior to them going onto the websites or papers,i do not need to tell you this i think!
What you seek is seeking you!!!There are town ships and regional areas that are on par with capital growth,you just have to know if there is any potential ? in the not too distant future.
:What ever you are seeking is seeking you!
Hey Quetin,Let me know when you have such a positive impact on millions of people around the world and then i will buy your book as well.
Very good deal,sometimes you just got to open up to the universe and let it happen.Remember the deals are out there we just have to negociate them and they do not have to be for sale,for a deal to happen.If the numbers add up(positive)just make the offer.I make offers that are regected firstly but if you can get the owner involved either externally or internally it is amazing what can be acheived,create the win win situation and the possibilities are endless.My mentor is doing very well in NSW and is home for dinner each night in sydney metro.he buys or makes the deal cash positive.
Yes there are plenty of properties out there but finding the right one that suit your circumstance is the trick,you basically have too look and look and alocate a certain number of hours a week into searching. as you become property friendly you start to systemise your time and it goes on from here,do you want to know where properties can be snatched up for $60k with a $135-$140 rental return,if i told you,it means that i have done your research and this is not going to benefit you,put in the time and the returns will come.
How can i afford it,is positive thinking that can only stimulate your mind to find the answers.