A lease is just a contract.You can negotiate anything in or out. Up to to you. Commercials they try and sucker the lessee into paying for everything. Had one in Port Hedland. Told them to scratch a whole bunch of stuff or they could shove it where the sun don't shine. Virtually neutered it into a standard residential rental agreement.
Systems are easy… finding something to sell that somebody wants is the challenge. The alternative to selling is developing a site with sufficient traffic to drive advertising revenue.
$90 to find out that the odds of becoming the next inet mogul is next to zero is probably worth it. I've had more expensive hangovers.
Just get comparative quotes. Beware the really cheap quote. Rule of thumb if the trady checks out is take the middle quote. I tend to go for the smaller building businesses and those that specialise. Once you've figured out who you might go with make a counter offer, ie if it say $6000 then Knock $350 off that and it yours.. that kinda…[Read more]
For $89 jump at it. Claim back GST and tax it'll be closer to $60 true cost. Take note though that like all modeling tools they're only as good as the inputs.
Try to keep the advertising in your signatures guys and post to help, not to build your brand.
I don't really have a problem with it provided it doesn't become a blatant spruikfest. Tony went off the cliff big time so I wouldn't want to tar the other pro's here (who even though they indirectly and occasionally directly self…[Read more]
Never happen. Can you see Macquarie Bank sitting by and watching half their market disappear to another competitor. They'll run interference until the cows come home.
Nope. They're tradies who've stopped selling their services for a pittance (comparably) and subcontract their services. Basically you set up a company ($600 on the net all done and dusted takes about an hour at most) and subcontract to the many and varied clients available in the mining areas.
I used to do it with trucks and know many up your…[Read more]
Here's a choice for you. Would you rather invest whatever you save into property and make virtually zip over the next 5 years (may even loose out) or would you prefer to invest in yourself and triple your current income doing what you already do? It's less complicated than property, considerably less leverage and risk and you can grow…[Read more]
It appears so JP. I don't under rate the value of coaches in any sphere of life but that's not where I see the problem. A significant ramping up of defaults isn't a sign people need more coaching services. It suggest employment dynamics are changing faster than people can adapt and that budgeting…[Read more]
Glad to see you guys missed me. Shale oil isn't anything to get too excited about. It'll take them 10 years or more to get the stuff out of the ground if ever. Lotsa hurdles.